Jamary 26, 1939. Director of Fhysiesl Bduextion, Varsity Basketball Coache TANGNEY-M& GINN EXPE RIENCE COURTESY SERVICE HOTEL RUSSELL-LAMSON HOTEL SHELDON-MUNN WATERLOO, IOWA AMES, IOWA lSssS|::= EL ROGERS | HOTEL PRESIDENT HO WATERLOO, IOWA BLOO ; MINGTON, ILLINOIS LEB” ——— KIRKW Hor “LS SAVERY - FORT DES MOINES ° DES MOINES, 1OWA WRITTEN FROM Ames 9 Iowa,dJan. 24 th.39 Dr.Forrest Allen Athletic Dep. Kansas U. Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr.Allen: We discovered that an overcharge amounting to 3.00 Dollars was made in checking out your basket ball Team,for which amonnt I am enclosing my check. Kindly excuse this error of our clerk and | thanking you for past favors,I beg to remain Very/Truly Yours FCAsAH Septmber 20, 1938. Trusting you are getting along well, i am Very sincerely yours, SAreetat t AUNNE Nesting Varsity Basketball Coaches \> September 20, 2938. if : 28 i your freshmen year so to your folks. oF comets gue att evedlt tank na tom ty own personal income and not from any other source. | Trusting that you are getting along nicely in rn a I am Very sincerely yours, Fenopy cll ae + ge Sect Coaches [3 duly ly 6, 1938. tht iy i 3 - a i i : i nil i 3 Ht il 4 I: isu i Bil i 4 JHE Se sii i Hg 2 Be § 3 ' : bons will int no ay itbenfore with This new arrangement of flooring above the fixtures can then be » New and carried one for . val WSS tre . dating Rik, ‘This could be built on the intramral fields ae rae +. ye : - eee eee . 7 Aigeri ae a ea : => P ee ae — 7 Y St aan 4 * S ‘made one of the beauty spots on the canpus without situations accruings z will reserve further discussions on oo icton, I would like to ask a favor of you ~ that you read Chapter XIX, ke to call your attention especially to con- fale bi i | st a ii iil § big felt i mina: dan | i nip al bal Te 313 Coaches Director of Varsity Bas! September 27, 1938 Mir. Vernon Smith WeReielis Stations — Lawrence, Kansasge My dear Mr. Smithi- After talking to you this morning I decided that I ¢ould - put in letter form what I wanted to say and it would take less of your timee pony : i want to say that I am not at all in sympathy with the eriticism directed toward Dr. Fs C. Allen and his, broadeast of the football game Saturday. I was at home and listened te the entire boredeaste It wasa most difficult game for any one to describe. The forward passes of the Texas team came so f st and furious that no man could keep up with them in a description over the radio. I. noti that the other announcer made the mistake of talling about | the “ebraska team when he meant the Texas teame | | Dre Allen gave sidelights of the game and little person- al interest stories of the players that no other man could possibly recliee His perfect understanding of the game made it possible for him to tell the listeners of little inside matters that were very intorestinge : | “I trust you will not let the criticisms influence your selection of an announcer for future games. Dre Allen's many, many —— everywhere enjoyed listening to him and hope to hear him againe : I am not sure that Dr. Allen would approve of this letter. 2 heve not mentioned the matter to him,-I am merely expressing own personal opinion and registering my protest against what I be- lieve to be unjust and malicious complaint against a very competent mane \ : eo _ Very Cordially, ADC October 7, 1938. Station UREN, Dear Bing: iam enclosing copy of a letter I just received from Mr». Neal Me t | 1 of the Liberty Mem L ao. vVherry, principal berby I thought you might be interested in his last paragraph which has reference to the broadcast of the foote ball games. Cordially yours, PCAsAH Varsity Sasketball Coach, THE WREN BROADCASTING COMPANY, ING. OWNER AND OPERATOR OF RADIO STATION WREN WREN BUILDING LAWRENCE, KANSAS VERNON H.‘‘BING" SMITH | October 14, 19358 PRESIDENT Dre Forest G. Allen Physical Education Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": I am returning to you the nice letter you received from Mr. Wherry e Thank you very much for forwarding this letter to me. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely The WREN dcasting Company, Inc. By ; Lae President =e Vernon H. Smith:EHF NBC-BLUE FOR KANSAS CITY, TOPEKA, AND ST. JOSEPH MARKETS (ee, EPMPR ONCE PUSLIC SCHR UOLES a CE. Bos Lawrence, hicas oR c Bisch Superintendent Neal M. Wherry Asatstent Superintendent October 5, 1938 Dr. Forest C. Allen Physical Education Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": We really do appreciate your kindness in speaking at our assembly last week. The message which you gave was very helpful. I know from hearing what the students had to say that it was. You might be interested to know that the front page story in the Journal-World regarding the assembly was written by one of our students, Kathryn Wise. May I call your attention to the fact that the Kansas State High School Activities Assn. rules of eligibility, relating both to athletic and to other activities, no longer contain specific reference to smoking. The present rule which comes closest to this states "In order for a pupil to be eligible to represent his school in any inter-school activity, he must be a bona fida under-graduate member of his school in good standing." Fortunately this change which was made about a year ago was not given any great publicity. At the present time our school, and we hope most other schools of the state, are making abstinence from the use of tobacco a training rule. Different people have spoken to me of their appreciation of your broadcast of the Texas game. One spoke of the feeling that you put into the broadcast. Mrs. Wherry was particularly appreciative of your telling the home address and some of the background of the different boys. This week I will be driving home from a conference at Winfield and will expect a sample of your broadcast first hand. Thanking you again, I remain Cordially yours, 7186-RMW Neal M. Wherry Uy, Vernon He “ui.th, Station WREM, Dear Bing: thank you for sending me @ copy of your letter to lire cap a : __ Baginting your posteoriyty you oan rest semirad that alweys give you any information that is constructive and helphtd in gpiding your broadoaste the wory vest posetbles You are doing fine work and we want to cooperate oom structivelye ; otrosior of Myeinal Rbaation October 15, 1938 Mr. Gwinn Henry Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Gwinn: Dr. Allen has forwarded me October 10, from Mr. Chas. together with a copy of. written by Dr. Alle . The complaint of NAY, fied October 14, it takes years t tough job, but or constantly pr ncer, Ronnie Ashburn, is im—t6iger's letter and for the reply at to Mr. Steiger and will appreciate any omg which may come to your attention at any gotball broadcasting. our sports announcer, Ronnie Ashburn, ns best and I'm sure it wont be long until Ashburn a n dered an outstanding sports announcer. We have, in our files, hundreds of letters complementing Ashburn on his graphic description of football games and the letter from Mir. Steiger is the first complaint, however, I sincerely agree with ire tp oa in his complaint and am surprised that more listeners didn't call this to our attention. Just a few years ago, Ted Husing was severely criticized and if my memory serves me correctly, Ted Husing was forever Mr. Gwinn Henry--------10/15/38 banned from one prominent stac to give you an idea of the ‘ casting and the hazards cont assured at all times that the University of Kensas Ap the very best for e have the best man Deer “r. Steicer: 7 | aa mo thet you are whiting me on the assuapt that I on Drwotor of Aiilethen mnt Sti contest af the situstion, Tirst, my I omy that I om referring your letter to Ure Gwinn Henry, the rector of Athletlos. It is uy assumption that you would wut this brought to the attention of the directors Sesondly, it is my uiderstanding that the purchased fran the “thietie Association for a aml consideretion their right to broadoast. Of course, the firms or corpormtians who purpose being to give the football friends and the radio frtenis an Spportunity to listen in on the procestings of the games | a, i see only a transitory differguee between "Ss broken the ai play but S who-are injured and the mnbers of the bays. _ ware ingur and I said, "I amomeed that ime Sone ous ton sa Here le tH I i | ze 2 5 ay Win peed ie i 1 ‘ wail aenlas hala ‘3 ; Miia it Hees tig tliat ee HE it aoe ee als i i ia aati ili it Ae E might att turte tint 2 nave no EE ROSS TENN Cae cuss these situations with you, end I hove at sane seme tine I may hove that ploasurse Ce nt oe een Se ae Sean * 4 Acouring you thet it was @ pleasure to hear fran | and for us to rafer your valued oomamioation to the right ora : Very Sincerely yours, it Tirocter of Veyedond mrenennns PFOA : Varsity Dasletiell Coaches use ath CHAS. W. STEIGER WALT A. STEIGER STEIGER & STEIGER ATTORNEYS AT LAW TOPEKA, KANSAS October 10, 1958, Dre Forest C. Allen, University of Kansas, lawrence, Kansase Dear Doctors: I have hesitated in writing you all day but I feel that I have given the matter sufficient thought so, therefore, am jus- tified in telling you what is on my mind. I want to complain most bitterly against the manner in which the announcer broadcasting in the third and fourth quarters told of injuries to Kansas players, not mentioning the nemes he used, who were the boys actually involved. I will substitute therefor the following: Bill Smith and Bill Jones, This happened in the third quarter. ! The young man announcing in this quarter said that Bill Smith was injured, that he was lying on the ground, that he was badly injured, no, I am wrong, I guess it is Bill Jones that is injured and not Bill Smith, but he is badly hurt? This same chatter was repeated in the fourth quarter. I do not know whether it was the same announcer or not but he related “< to an injured Kansas player with the same mistake identically as that which happened in the third quarter. It is needless to call your attention as to the feelings of the parents and relatives of either of these boys, let alone to mention the bonehead of the announcer who announces that a player is badly injured and then find that he has made a mistake and has to correct himself and make the correction. This not only affects the feelings of the parents and relatives of both boys but also raises a possibility in the minds of the other parents and relatives if he did not know who it was in the first place there might have been @ possibility that he was entirely mistaken. Your announcer used very bad taste and poor judgment. Some four years ago I met Ted Husing in Chicago in a hotel. Others were in a group with Mr. Husing and he emphasized the fact that he hever in a broadcast of an athletic event, especially foot-e ball, did he ever tell the audience that any player was hurt let alone badly hurt. He says that he has said, and it can be veri- fied,in every broadcast which he participates in, that No. has had the wind knocked out of him and is all right again. I remember that he so broadcast a play, in which the player ree ceived a broken limb but that he did not cause that information to go out over the air. Dre Allen<2 I know that these criticisms will be received in the spirit in which they are given. cWS:C ‘November 16, 1958. lirse De Ke Somnae, 1014 Mississippi Ste, Laurence, ansase Dear lrse Spencers I wish to thaule you for your good Letter of Tovesber 8th giving me an option of $8,000 on your ten or Or lens, witil April 3y 195%. 1 do sot tnow shore T an going to get any nanaye oi I do appreciate your giving me the option and I would like | very much to raise this emount so that we we might purchase the land for an intramural Meld. I am not as | shit tila Renin on 1 weak Rakes 4 bao However, i thanic on + ae He Se So ENE SNe 8% Very sincerely yours, : . : arestie of Physical — ‘FOAsAH Tprsity Basketball Coache 77 a Mee ale ca oe ae ae peer , 000 ate —— of pe fs efi yd 1 el oe LB of tthe Ye i ala JP. taal othe ada z Yes ated nit a oe tum: “<0 _ Tovenber 25, 1958s as Hy | tah] me oS i) i Butts afuls ul — ae" s p43 lt i, Hit ie i Ps rt He i lh ut i Hay Baan ie eh fads : tu ulin tal i he ay iil | G uu ih Hi ue Vi ute A a : ip “i i nu Hi of ni Me ie and ie ily ot fi i is if Hee iil edity y tH hi ai Ht {iy 4 q suf + fe ile ui on Hue fit 4 qi palit bs ail shai ti u ii ole Jngien: ean mins Wis 4s tn Ath Siar eiionns «sak ie gins Very sincerely yours, ay lirector of Physical Udueation, Page City, Kansas November 14, 1938 Dr..F. CG. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Our volleyball season ended last Friday with a League tournament here at Page City. We took some time off during the season to work on basketball as our first game is but three weeks away. At that time, December 6th, we piay Menlo and she is rated as one of the best in our section of the state. During the few days of practise thet we have held I have tried some of the suggestions that you gave me and they have been quite beneficial. The help on bettering our shooting methods has produced good results in the short time that we practised. At the present time I am especially interested in learning more about your style of defense. From what you told me I gathered that the guards were always to work out from the center of the court and that a guard was to go out from the basket to cover a man in either corner rather than to have the center go over to cover him. When this man goes over to cover a corner man does the other guard fall in under the basket or does the center man drop back? I realize that if the center drops back there will be a hole around the free throw territory. If he does not go back the other guard will have to pull in from his side and this will leave a man open if the offense happens to have a man stationed in either corner with the center also on a side. Do you advocate playing your forwards man to man against the guards as soon as they break into the defense? How close to the offensive men do you think the defensive men should station themselves when the ball is near their men, when it is on the opposite side of the court? Do you plan to have any practise sessions during the Thanksgiving holidays? There is a possibility that I will come to Lewrence and I would like to get in touch with you if I do so. I shall greatly appreciate any suggestions that you may give me on the problems that I have listed. Thank you for your past help. I trust that your present basketball team is progressing as you would want it to. Yours sincerely, ce Le i autor’ Laurence L. Stanton