Sea ae hae " Ree sudidalll Already we have lost two out of our three first games played. This is as many games as we lost the whole season last year == two out of 20¢ We will lose ewmenel more games this year. The Oklahoma Aggie games were very similar to our experience with Drake last year. We lost to Drake University of the same conference later in December by about the same difference in points. But we play these early season games for experiences Our final goal, of course, is the Big Six Conference championship play which starts January Tthe Personally, I would rather lose every pre-season game on the schedule than to lose a Big Six championship gamee I do not look for a very bright season this year so far as winning the championship of the Big Six is concerned. However, it has been ten years since we have really had * an bad season. Ten years ago we lost 15 out of 18 games playede Perhaps due to the fact that Kansas has won championships the last few years many experts are picking Kensas again this wali No team can lose an uncomparable Pralle and a versatile Schmidt, the quarterback, without feeling their losse The veberans on the Kansas ulate are not going welle The sophomores are showing much promises We have been unable to find a man who could spark the team as Pralle did last year, and we miss Schmidt's steadiness tremendouslye | Henry Iba's team at Stillwater is a good team this year, but any time a Kansas team makes but 7 out of 20 free throws there is no need to look further for the reason of the defeate From the field Kansas shot 65 times and hit 66 We beat ourselvese But these defeats are good things if analyzed intelligently. Very few of the Kensas followers last year at the beginning of the season ex= pected Kansas to win the Big Six. Neither did the players nor the Kansas coache SESE | NE The players voted on a guess that they would finish third in the conferences It is the coach's business to develop leaderse We will do our beste Serre? : BRA Og s : £9 Dicpinmegr eaten Wii Lig See Rc eperen ie nies ate Gk Bas oF Tet a