September 27, 1938 Mir. Vernon Smith WeReielis Stations — Lawrence, Kansasge My dear Mr. Smithi- After talking to you this morning I decided that I ¢ould - put in letter form what I wanted to say and it would take less of your timee pony : i want to say that I am not at all in sympathy with the eriticism directed toward Dr. Fs C. Allen and his, broadeast of the football game Saturday. I was at home and listened te the entire boredeaste It wasa most difficult game for any one to describe. The forward passes of the Texas team came so f st and furious that no man could keep up with them in a description over the radio. I. noti that the other announcer made the mistake of talling about | the “ebraska team when he meant the Texas teame | | Dre Allen gave sidelights of the game and little person- al interest stories of the players that no other man could possibly recliee His perfect understanding of the game made it possible for him to tell the listeners of little inside matters that were very intorestinge : | “I trust you will not let the criticisms influence your selection of an announcer for future games. Dre Allen's many, many —— everywhere enjoyed listening to him and hope to hear him againe : I am not sure that Dr. Allen would approve of this letter. 2 heve not mentioned the matter to him,-I am merely expressing own personal opinion and registering my protest against what I be- lieve to be unjust and malicious complaint against a very competent mane \ : eo _ Very Cordially,