October 15, 1938 Mr. Gwinn Henry Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Gwinn: Dr. Allen has forwarded me October 10, from Mr. Chas. together with a copy of. written by Dr. Alle . The complaint of NAY, fied October 14, it takes years t tough job, but or constantly pr ncer, Ronnie Ashburn, is im—t6iger's letter and for the reply at to Mr. Steiger and will appreciate any omg which may come to your attention at any gotball broadcasting. our sports announcer, Ronnie Ashburn, ns best and I'm sure it wont be long until Ashburn a n dered an outstanding sports announcer. We have, in our files, hundreds of letters complementing Ashburn on his graphic description of football games and the letter from Mir. Steiger is the first complaint, however, I sincerely agree with ire tp oa in his complaint and am surprised that more listeners didn't call this to our attention. Just a few years ago, Ted Husing was severely criticized and if my memory serves me correctly, Ted Husing was forever