Page City, Kansas November 14, 1938 Dr..F. CG. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Our volleyball season ended last Friday with a League tournament here at Page City. We took some time off during the season to work on basketball as our first game is but three weeks away. At that time, December 6th, we piay Menlo and she is rated as one of the best in our section of the state. During the few days of practise thet we have held I have tried some of the suggestions that you gave me and they have been quite beneficial. The help on bettering our shooting methods has produced good results in the short time that we practised. At the present time I am especially interested in learning more about your style of defense. From what you told me I gathered that the guards were always to work out from the center of the court and that a guard was to go out from the basket to cover a man in either corner rather than to have the center go over to cover him. When this man goes over to cover a corner man does the other guard fall in under the basket or does the center man drop back? I realize that if the center drops back there will be a hole around the free throw territory. If he does not go back the other guard will have to pull in from his side and this will leave a man open if the offense happens to have a man stationed in either corner with the center also on a side. Do you advocate playing your forwards man to man against the guards as soon as they break into the defense? How close to the offensive men do you think the defensive men should station themselves when the ball is near their men, when it is on the opposite side of the court? Do you plan to have any practise sessions during the Thanksgiving holidays? There is a possibility that I will come to Lewrence and I would like to get in touch with you if I do so. I shall greatly appreciate any suggestions that you may give me on the problems that I have listed. Thank you for your past help. I trust that your present basketball team is progressing as you would want it to. Yours sincerely, ce Le i autor’ Laurence L. Stanton