February 14, 1938. it~ pleased me very much that. the book you happy. I want you to know that I never had a fellow on my who cooper= ated more fully and who had the proper morale and the willingness to do, them Bub Sheffer. Some times I have felt that I did not put you in when I should havee You were built a little light architecturally but I will always feel that I tossed awmy one or two ball games —~ ee year that Al was @ sophomores t vumention the debelid pone piu cone Gnrengh om that formation two play and scored a goal that put us in the leads You reueuber that shot, don't you, Bub? I will never forget it. And then in the Utah Utah Aggie Olympic series I should have put you in instead of moving Noble back to a guarde — I only mention these things, Bub, to show you that each and evory time I debated and pondered upon putting you in, and sane of a hunch beat me out of ite I am frank now to tell you that I I made a mistakes. lio ome can describe what is in e coach's mind when he is being tormented with fouls and few goals, when he would like we fewer fouls and more field goals. The pressure is intense. Aut I want you to lmow that I think you have always been a wonderful gentlenan, a true sportsman, and a fellow that no he-men SS SO Oe ORE ae Se Oe Se TORR TRENT ON OF eee ici edillins aad Sc whi aties ition ek: aca. aio nas ball season is overe Of course, I wnt to see that new Director of Physical Education,