SMITH-GRIEVES COMPANY, PRINTERS WESTERN ENVELOPE MANUFACTURING COMPANY Seventeenth and Washington Streets HAROLD SMITH KANSAS CITY, MO. February lst, 1958 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen, 801 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog:- Before I received your letter of the 26th I wrote you, telling you how much I appreciated your sending the two autographed copies of your "Better Basketball”. Yes, we still have some copies of your former book and as you request, I am sending you, under separate cover, two copies for your library. We have no defective copies - you know, Phog, we never made any that way, and these that you will receive will be in perfect shape for your library collection. ’ Larry is playing basket-ball at Exeter. He tells me, however, that the é6astern basket-ball does not in any way compare with what we have out here in this part of the country. We all appreciate your very nice comments about Klein. He was connected with this firm for thirty-five years. I knew him from the time I wore diapers and you know, he was my most intimate associate for the past fifteen years. His passing was a great jolt to all of us. However, we have a grand organization here and we are going to plow ahead into greater fields. Be sure and let me know the next time you come to Kansas City. I should like to have lunch with you and talk over with you the subject that is closest to me - Larry and his progress. With kindest regards, I am