December 24, 1937 Ure Flmer Sehaalkeo, Athletic Mroctor, dethany College, Lindsborg, Tansas.s Dear Dutchuan: | sv idadins san a copy of the letter that 5 dine Vettes Gren ad Me Lanta if I were you I would fire him a letter asking about the same thing as 1 am asking him to de, with the exception of asking him to write the presi- ~- dente Tan suite ho will be vexy linpyy to bop you in ovory posstblo way. y It wes nice to see you and your pretiy young ag The only thing missing was that bouncing baby that Faye and leu Gould not bring alongs Lots of good luck, Dutchman, ‘Stey in there and pitch. . Sincerely yours, Varsity Sasketball Coach, FOASAT | Director of Physica Educatione