October 28, 1937. ‘Hr, Sylvester Sehnidt, Gyunasiun, Dear Sylvester? ? I have been called out of town this after- noon and I would appreciate it very mueh if you will conduct the basketball class, I would not advise ; scrimmage this afternoon, Teil the bers that we will practice tomorrow but it will be perfectly all right if those who have other things to do pass it up for studies or things more important for that day. e | ; The special drill that I would like you to. emphasize is the matter of taking two offensive players, as I have diagrammed on this slip of and using egeinst them two defensive players, 2 offensive players may dribble anywhere on the court and the Gefensive players mest follow their own man, They are not permitted to switch, trade or slide, regardless of the play situation. "Ore Tet Seer eet Be venter of te court. The object of this dr is to make the guards hug a closely to their forwerd, And even though they are picked off by the sereen that I have diagrammed here, and the pivot with a back yates number 1 guard must follow nutber 2 forward, am endeavoring te make the guards “ro eleser to the forwards so that all of our Men will be playing the present zone, : Then start on the out of bound drills after eli of the men e worked this, and work tandem, 4 and 2, Do not vy it along but use the proper time, ZI understand Prglle will not be here today, so use _ Goley or some of the other men to help you. I would i ay that you dismiss the squad by 53:15. Make it rather short and snappy. Have every man throwc50 free . throws a competition and keep track of the number that 6 shoots, i will appreciate this help from you, Cordially yours, FCA:AH © ae? Basketball Coach,