F 1354-50M-1-35 M MEMORANDUM From— | Nev 193 A. G. SPALDING & BROS. To a : Kiss Liller a STORE | Chas Seymour : : Kansas City Store TO BE USED ONLY FOR CORRESPONDENCE BETWEEN OUR OWN STORES, FACTORIES OR DEPARTMENTS. I am attaching an order subject to Dr Allens approval as pe the copy of my letter to br AllenJow please by ali means jabeh this order extremely carefully on account of the delivery of ‘game, You will note in my letter to Dr Allen that he will forward the sizes direct to you and then yeu get busy and check the stock on hand and wire for additional items providing you are 3 short any sizes. Have lx Carmondy letter and triw al. the germente in Kansas City so there will be on factory delay on this,Please ‘gdvise me the outcome of this order as i aa anxious to take good eare of KU as you already know and we owe them good service, _ Your Preind Chas . seymour