September 23, 1957. Mr, Richard Sklar, 3432 Bellfontainc, Kanses City, Mo. Dear Dick: i had a fine vieit with Madison Bell, coach of SelieU. He had footdell while t basietball at the coaching school this summer at Leake eee in northern Iowa, &atty, his wife, and young deughter were up in the lake region with us and we hed a great tims. ‘Swioming end boating were wonderful, and the weather wes just about risht, Hatty told me what a hit you made down at Dallas & year ago. He really thinke you are e foote ball pleyer, ond e fellow who knows his way around when it comes to contacting ané meeting people. He saié that you spent most of your money looking over the town and mesting poople, but you really had a dandy time. Ne asked me to give you his regards, I see where they lieked the pros egain Gown there this fall, so it looks like Matty has their number, Incidentally, of course, he hes some goo football players. I saw tho allestar game in Chicago and my opinion is that this Semy BSeugh is just about the best piece of footbsll anatomy on two-pins, %f course, John Drake and Tinsley are no slouches « marvels, I would * rey never missed the boat when the cape tain * aboerd", chs ae friends tell me that you really drive a dogey aut ile. thet I haven't seen you when you come to Lawrence to visit one of the outstanding pean of Lawrence who deals in the gross munitions Wars. Dick, you know my promise to you when you were a freshman. I am wondering if you remember when