February 25, 1958. sit dom Mexico Citys dow there at is very friends ome of Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Conthe i 4 aig li dl / THE HAYDITE CORPORATION OPERATING UNDER LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH AMERICAN AGGREGATE COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF HAYDITE HAYDITE AGGREGATE CONCRETE PRODUCTS THE LIGHT WEIGHT AGGREGATE REG. U. S. PATENT OFFICE 32ND AND ROANOKE ROAD TEL. VALENTINE 6969 KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI February 19, 1938, Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Athletic Department, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: Once again you have proven yourself the old master in the game you love so well. I am pretty darn busy this morning getting details cleaned up so that Mrs, Servey and myself can get away to Mexico City. I just can't leave, however, without sending you these few words of congratulation. We heard part of the game when we were driving down to the Philharmonic Concert last night. Then I got off into sanebody's concert in C minor and got lost. Then I went to the telephone later and called the Star for the final results and what a thrill. Again with my heartiest congratulations, I am Cordially yours, DFS :W Den F. Servey February 25, 1953¢ Dear Eimer: rinses for your good wishes emmoerning Cate Ye still heve two tough battles. | Congretuletions om licking MePhersoni Boy, you — ——s Swede Carlson*s mame is John, end his address is 211 Union Stetion Building, “ansas City, Missourie He is attorney for the Termimal Railroad. ‘You are right « it would be better to address him "Wohn Carison"s Sots of geod ask to you, Dutchman. If I can help you in eny way, let me hear from youe ERNST F, PIHLBLAD, PRESIDENT EMORY LINDQUIST, VICE PRESIDENT JENS STENSAAS, TREASURER OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION BETHANY COLLEGE LINDSBORG, KANSAS February 20, 19238 Dr. F. C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: It was good to see you beat Oklahoma, especially down there, and it looks like you at least have a tie for the championship. We beat the leaders of our conference, McPherson, the other night, so I feel these freshman are, after all, learning a little. I also feel pretty zood now myself. What is "Swede" Carlson's first name and is he an Attorney at the Union station Terminal? I hated to use just the name "Swede", so thought I had better get that and the address right. Walter Varnum said he would write me but I haven't received a letter from him as yet. Take care and don't let your feet go out from under you this icy weather. Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain Sincerely, Athletic Director and Coach. ait bi 32 | Hi a i ms: | yy ; t tt af 4 éfaga® a ies hi : is al i i ef hig? ip wha a +1 HUGH T. FISHER IRWIN SNATTINGER -LAW OFFICES FISHER & SNATTINGER NATIONAL BANK OF TOPEKA BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS February 28, 1938 Mr. Forrest G. Allen, Director of Athletics, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: Enclosed find firm check No.2250 in amount of $3.05 for four seats for the Missouri-Kansas Basketball game. Please have the seats at the ticket office where we will call for them. This per our telephone conversation of today. Is:RM Very ftruly yours / ox ttinger. itr. Stanley Granada Sonben. Lawrence, Kansac.« Dear Ii. Sehmaihms i wish to thank you for your great kindness in ow at tn had te get to their studies, Souls hell ob tuna antes Weauheiins of 4s recurs It was a very nice thing for you to do, and I want to thank you for ite With appreciation, I am FOAsAl Yaraity Bas i Coache | March 16, 1953. March 16, 1938. t am enclosing some printed materie] deseribing the book more fullys Theanine you for your interest, and hoping to hear | from -you again, I em ( : | ‘ Sincerely yours, irestor of Physionl Bdusation, Varsity Basketball Coaches Hf ark VK SIBG Director of Physical Education, Varsity Tesketbell Coaches . August 12, 1958s Director of Physical Fducation, Varsity Basketball Coachs wl Hf i sal : site i it ie i yi i 4 et sili} .. . - th : aus fil 7 ana 3 i He at gal eee Poa A i aim He galt a Hit Mn if Si a | i ee bh ity i aa a a 3 i iy 4 lire Leo Shannon, Dear Mre Shannon: ; i have asked liss Dunkel what text she used in her course in Commmity Recreation this sumer, and find that | : I ean enclosing a little folder which I ran across, thinking you might find something of interest in ite If we be of any help to you, it will be a pleasure to hear from Le With best wishes, I am Secretary to Dre Me Ce Allens il : Hard it : iu! bigs! ‘ite Secretary to Dre Allene AERIAL DARTS =» court, 50° x 20°; top of net 7* fran floor xt available at Lowe & 1509 Baltimore, Ke C. 2O—Paddie, 5 ply, ee Aes a ‘ rts, best quality, cach « «s+ « 1625 esses Son good grade, exch «ec ccees 0 ceoese bs ei Dee #8 as oo 3250 eee e 2 white, Seeeceeee © 2050 ceo e lei | & Coe, 1508 Grand, Ke Ce Mos or WS eeee see eneee enone 150 eve “ a Gas c bs een ees 1600 aes iP vteate, pectin © « © «6 eeeees 085 cee, 055 staat ; ROK SIDONES see gout, 40° x 20% toy of not 5* fru fleey Dee ots on cea cc wc bean 12.10 ‘f4Self2—eNeck Tennis secbe« we ce eevee ee T50 ee e 5065 Male “ = * - “om i oo «9 wane 48 5250 August 2, 1938, have still Tirector of Physical Rducation, Varsity Basketball Conchs : Solmidt, Kansas you a fami lations on Lote of good luck, Soluitty. July 7 1988s that has giv quite a bit to doe Noward Englemen is in gohool this mamoer, and is assisting us in the towel Secretary to Dre Alice July 8 1988. It seems that these promotion ere soming in for quite a bit of critioisn from our and personally our conference would give an OsK. to ite We are expecting to make a trip down south during the ee ee and as wo are limited to a certain mumber Se ee ere ae ee FCAsAH ee ee ee ee LAW OFFICES JOHN A. SBARBARO SUITE 145! OTIS BUILDING 10 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET CHICAGO TELEPHONE MASTER IN CHANCERY RANDOLPH OO88 CIRCUIT COURT June 10, 1938 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Your letter of June 9th has been received and I regret to note that an objection exists which might prevent your participating in our basketball program. However, I am taking the liberty of pointing out to you the facts as they exist in the hope that the objection can be overcome, These games are to be played at the 132nd Regiment Armory in the City of Chicago. This Armory has been used, and is being used by DePaul University as their home auditorium, They have played the Uni- versity of Purdue at this Armory for the last two or three seasons, and they conduct all of their games there when their own auditorium can not accommodate - the public. This situation does not exist in New York City in that the Madison Square Garden is never used by any of the participants as a home floor during the regular playing season. I am hopeful that this distinction and the facts above related will enable you to overcome the prohibition, and I am awaiting your favorable response. Very truly yours, oe Yoke bentors : 9 ie ; i ith i Vie be oo: i He : ; 5 j TH ile 1 | ita i fi 3 sed fi fink © ae : YOL cherry St. guiney, Illinois Dear sir; this morning i was in talking to ©. R . Daxter County Supt. of Highways who is 4 graduate of Kansas University. He in- formed me that he was on the Kansas track team the same year 48 Glenn Cunniggham and is interested in me attending K.U. this fall i graduate from Quincy High School this spring. 1 am 6*I''tall. I hare played three years'of basketball at quincy I was named on the All-State football team this year. i wonder if you could fix me up with a job? if you want more information about me write Carl Lutman Director of Atheletics Quincy Senior High School, Quincy, Illinois. Yours sincerly Bill Stock July 4, 1938 Mr. John Carlson, 211 Union Station Bldg., Kansas City, Missouri, I am writing you in regard to the teaching and coaching vacancy at the Argentine High School, After my recent interview with Mr. Schlagle, I came away with the feeling that he was not sure that I would be satisfied with assisting the head coach, I have thought it over a great deal and assure you that I will be satisfied working with Mr. Lonborg, and I will cooperate with every one concerned, I felt I should write you in order to clear up any doubt there might be in this case, Anything that you can do will certainly be appreciated as I would like very much to become associated with the Kansas City School system, If there are any other points to be cleared up, kindly advise me, Thanking you very much for all your trouble, I remain Sincerely yours, Elmer Schaake, _ Athletic Director, EHS :LMS . Dear Doc: Thanks very much for the basketball data, It is very interesting, What is your honest opinion about the K, C, job? I surely would like to get in there, and if there is anything further you think I should do, I hope you Will advise me, I received a letter from Cannady yesterday inquiring about this job, and you may rest assured that if I get the Argentine job I Will help him all I can to get in here, sata ABST Ri i, SAMBO CIN sa iit NN I sh Sincerel Y le Y, . ‘in pee a S Ps pas 7H | aA (ie -F Z RA ARAN galls Medan gitel oe 2 ab be St AT ANP 4 4 Sepbenber 2, 1938- Your very good lotter of the 29th ultimo has bea received. Persomilly, I do not see how you could hope to ator collece with no funds or means of assistance except your experience and ability to worke I am sending you 2 carbon copy of a Ietter that I sane times writa to boys who expect the coach or athletic director to obtain jots for then. ‘I heve always stated that if a boy bad $100 or 9150 to pay his tuition, and enough to allow for a rainy day, that he could perhans mole 3%, but it is anlinc a good deal of people for a boy to expect that scws ove will take enough interest in him to see him through where the entire benefit redouniis to the student. Svery right-thinidng wan weaats to heip a boy help himself, but I do not Imow how you can ‘ start to school mithemt fonds, end expect te make ite Perhaps you have not stated your whole casee Mo you mean that you have no funds ether then for teition and books? Every student is uiless your credit at your hane bank or people who believe in you is worth $100 or 9150, 1 . you to attempt such a preeedure, because the course ‘or. ane year but for four and you would Sind yourself in more 7 the second year than you would the Pirste g 4. be | gel fe 9 es gs ie 5 fa § se aii good wishes, I an Yary sincerely yours, POAsAE Varsity Dnsketball Coaches