due 21, 1938. Varsity ‘Coathe s B Dear Dutchuan: -«- 3% Tooke like it ought to be in the tage Here's hoping $ Very cordially yours, biswotor of Fiyeioad Buation, Varsity Sasketball Coathe dk 3 dit ual i i i " 4 i i ii i . = i ta) i it 43 “i : u He Gn iste [el : Hf fi a i I; He ir. 1's mene Sty iublic Schools KANSAS CITY. KANSAS Board of duration Elmer H. Schaake - Physical Education or. F. GC. Alien, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: The person listed above has made application for &@ position as a teacher in our schools and has given your name as reference. Please give us a frank statement of your opinion of his personality, his education, his preparation for teaching, and his ability as a teacher. Yours very truly, Fe les hlagle Superintendent of Jum 21, 1988. : shinee, Gea wae | Som hove cautaigihached ia your ma coed yon ovtain enother positions 1 thewe ie anything 1 can doy please eal upon He i assure you it will be a pleasures : Teh tent whehew to yeu, I an, - Mrestor of Physical Hducation, Director of Physical Bduwatian, FOAtAH Varsity Basketball Coache a sles 85 i fh ci Hi 38 age na 73 ra ie » i i a dume 24, 1938s Very cordially yours, Mrescteor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache if e fig i i i i 3 flip He Hy : eat : moh | i e fi (3: il selaleser ki wheel: Paelionee CPhe eke. Jetin, R. SMITH, SEcC’Y-TREAS. SPECIALISTS’ EDUCATIONAL BUREAU ‘° 302-306 OLIVIA BUILDING 1023 N. GRAND BOULEVARD ST. LOUIS, Mo. June 15, 1938 Mr. Forrest C. Ailen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Mr. Allen: I regret that before your last letter was received the position regarding which we wrote you had been filled, However, I am going to write to Mr. Schaake and hope that he will enroll, as it might be possible for us to put him in touch with some interesting positions. Very sincerely, LRS : PH dune 29, 1958. Dear Kime’: - 3 ‘I beliewe you should write a letter very soa | to "Swede" Carlson enghasieing the fact thet you uider~ | regarde I believe if you wuld stress the fact that you veeliga the situation it might help your casee 1¢ there is anything I can do, please let me km0Ve Vory cordially yours, Director of Physical Bducation, POAsAH Varsity Séskethall ¢ EMORY LINDQUIST, VICE PRESIDENT JENS STENSAAS, TREASURER OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION BETHANY COLLEGE LINDSBORG » KANSAS juve ze a Di. th ede As with Achlagle, buf fl Lele EMORY LINDQUIST, VICE PRESIDENT JENS STENSAAS, TREASURER _ we BETHANY COLLEGE LINDSBORG, KANSAS oa eee ease Or, March 16, 1 958.4 ‘Dear Heury: POA SAH ae Varsity Tackotball Coaches THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN OePART MENT oF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR March 15, 1938. Dr. F. ©. Alien, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Phog": Just a word to tell you that your presence added to the graciousness and kindliness and the pleasure of the banquet at Columbia last week end. May the championships continue to flock under your banner and may you always be able to have friends as you showed down there. Sincerely, * LOA ate t Henry F.¥ Schulte. i North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering of the } \ -Mniversity of North Carolina Raleigh ii A Se re SR i aie eae COLEEGE. = =: $ Fle ee pee Sealed IL rth. “4 spn i Pn Coe haa de “te Al rn A; 2 Ree “ade hb Ll 8e ee ld sale Pas Joe erm 7, d £ my 7m atlnn “A February 25, 1938~ Tite Sermon, Paakotball : Concing North Carolina State College, Raleigh, Ne Cs tear Ug end Ruths as pe, Tite sales ee eee ee ee ee Se ee ee Allen said to me, "Porrest, if I had not mom this letter ms Gros Maye tho tone end all the expressions soumd emotly like Milton." Ray, she end Sit are doublese you I wich you might see Mite Mit was marriod about a year end a half ago, end they live at Russell, Yansase He is with the Standard Oil. They have a fine baby girle I wish I could write you e longer letter, but we mitt i. Brag gy sen Sang saree een te cen. Aegan are now leading the conferense, but by a scant margins Wo must beat Nebrasim to stay in thoree Yen, we liched Oldeham, 41 to 33, dow: at Norman, I want to congratulete you on your great victory over : "3 riers niyicley mili ksendanes woe year ate a You, i wish you might have letened in on the Allene | Potent ecnverenthcne [ene eS ee | a Dayector of Physieal Education FUASAH | —— an Ant} i il en ti i en | ca ie . : | He Wi é det ae Mi : a ly at se i ie at duly 6, 1988, ee ! i Hee i a ees tS en Le ne. ; ogy name | 2° on A , r § i if Tapepoe ea aie: sets / ad i af fo t fag 8 + ini i H 28 ‘Jagl @ ani , He 2 at: i ie As iil fi i i i iy 4 rk a : 4 a 4 absis 1g | a uy ill ja fe HE i; af tines tite ih H al i wu lle - e i! HA etl ij i thi ei tae a aes ii i Ae ue si - ee | ae val ih fi is ih Ha | i ids htt ras re Gi i ie iy eee . nuh Gh i a 3 ual 3% dune 15, 1958. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical the delay will not inconvenience you too Varsity end thanking you for your interest in our progres, ie ih ; ia eal Hi ee Ml i aad UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS LAWRENCE FRANK T. STOCKTON oa June 2, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen Robinson Gymnasium K. U. Dear Phog:; Supplementing my telephone conversation I wish to put my thoughts down in writing. On behalf of the new con- mittee of the Athletic Board, I will appreciate it if you will give me full and complete data concerning the plant aw® needs of Physical Education. I would like to have as much detail as possible. It seems to me that it is very difficult to segregate Physical Education from Athletics. Any data which you may be able to give me will, I am sure, be of great service to the Committee. I am asking Gwinn Henry to report on Intercollegiate Athletics so I presume that the basketball needs should be sent in through him. However, if you wish to add some material along this line I see no reason why you should not do so. Cordially yours, fiakT A FTSi¢g ei aan 4 ] 4 WOMEN'S PHYSICAL EDUCATION BUILDING