February 25, 1938~ Tite Sermon, Paakotball : Concing North Carolina State College, Raleigh, Ne Cs tear Ug end Ruths as pe, Tite sales ee eee ee ee ee Se ee ee Allen said to me, "Porrest, if I had not mom this letter ms Gros Maye tho tone end all the expressions soumd emotly like Milton." Ray, she end Sit are doublese you I wich you might see Mite Mit was marriod about a year end a half ago, end they live at Russell, Yansase He is with the Standard Oil. They have a fine baby girle I wish I could write you e longer letter, but we mitt i. Brag gy sen Sang saree een te cen. Aegan are now leading the conferense, but by a scant margins Wo must beat Nebrasim to stay in thoree Yen, we liched Oldeham, 41 to 33, dow: at Norman, I want to congratulete you on your great victory over : "3 riers niyicley mili ksendanes woe year ate a