Two diligent Kansas reporters, bent on learning the real facts concerning — the poverty of the )Sssouri-Ibnsas tasketball gme tickets, decided to do something — about ite They wont down to Colimbia, iissouri, and during the time thet the Kensss varsity tacketball aggregation were inspecting the Brewer feldhouse, wiich is the place where the Tigers play tasketball, these two said diligent reporters made in- that over one thousand complimentary tickets were given to menbers of the varsity Seti, Ss 5S SA om eer wenetty Came peAttteteny, Nigh sxieet egnshony ont other “influential” friends. Here's the storys A lumble maiber of the atiletic department of the Univ orsity of IMssouri, not Inowing thet he wis revealing sme fucts thet wre in direct violation of the Big Six financial agreenert regarding complimentary tickets, they jut in extra rents raking the seating eapasity 6500, this 1000 extra to take care of the swag that would not show in the gme reporte" He said, "If our newse paper and radio reports showed thet we had 6500 at the game then Kansas would went to lnow where the other 1000 tickets were, so we just closed the doors, denying anyone standing roam, and said that the fieldhouse would seat a little better than 5000, and this would take care of our complimentary tickets." le Sees Ws Vemma say tm mengen Mtn scenatntton ont wnt onl? 26 tickets for their patrons and friends who desired to go to Columbia. ‘These 25 tickets went to the families end close friends of the players, but the general public who had followed tho Jayhmidcers wore prohibited from going to Columbia because Wisseurt wild not oul eviy tickets to thes And it must be renenbered tint when a gime is played at Columbia between Kansas end Missouri that Kansas mikes part of the attraction, yet no courtesy is shown Tenses for her loyal followers snd friends who desire to see their favorites in action at Columbine - : = : 4