May 19, 1959. om 4 . ae sal ' 3 : if A gr Group of sophomores, and I thought thas on a little southern We have a be woll to take jaunt bo- ight our % ot I will be happy to hear fran yous With kindest regards, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation, Versity Dackstball Coaches MORLEY JENNINGS Athletic irector Varsity Football and Baseball RALPH R. WOLF BAYLOR UNIVERSITY Business Manager of Athletics Varsity “ Totes - DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS FLOYD A. CROW WACO, TEXAS Freshman Football and Baseball R. E. HENDERSON Assistant Varsity Football and Basketball LLOYD RUSSELL Assistant Freshman Football May 16, 1938 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I shall be very glad to play you in basketball, but it is impossible for us to play you at that time as our school will not be in session. We are not permitted to play during the Christmas Holidays when no students are in school. We should like to hear from you in case you happen to be in this part of Texas sometime in the future in order that we may be able to get together on 4 game. Hoping that I may see you at some Coaching School during the summer, I am Sincerely yours afb DEE Ralph R. Wolf Buse Mgr. of Ath. RRW/dd COPY BAYLOR UNIVERSITY WACO, TEXAS April 25, 1938 Mre Je We St. Clair Director of Physical Education Southern Methodist University Dallas, Texas ‘Dear Jims: Your letter of April 17, regarding games with Kansas University is the only communication which I have ree ceived from you regarding this matter. Your other letter must have gone astray as I never received it. I am not able to tell you, at the present, anything definite regarding a Kansas basketball game in Wacoe We will go to the Oklahoma City Tournament in December, which will begin on the 26th or 27th of December. I - do not know at the present time on what day our Christ- mas holidays will begin, but I imagine that school will let out on the 2lst, and as I always turn my boys loose for a few days to go home, we will not be able to play them from the 2lst ome I do not think that I would went to meet that strong a team in December as my boys would not be in very good shape, and we certainly would not be ready for a game with a team of the calibre as Kansas U. It is possible that I may be able to work out something at a later date, and I will certainly do it if I can. Sincerely yours, Ralph Re Wolf Bus. Mgre of Athe May 19, 1958, if iit ily i ig avout to got sane - « @ trip inte the south ay Seligle 2 would have befere maize H e | 2¢ wi22 be a pleasure to hear fron yous S y Mt = sy 20, 1955s I would appreciate it if you could arrange to tate us on sane tine during the latter woks in Documbers Very Yarestor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches ii. i a de a i tists : if i 4 tT igh 1a a fi iF J, {i I: Phe 4558 gts Director of Physical Education, Varsity Baskotball Coaches Will you kindly let me imow whet the chances you earlier in lecenber? ‘CENTENARY GOLLEGE OF LOUISIANA ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT SHREVEPORT, LA. May 17, 1938 Mr. Paul Phog Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Paul: At the basketball meeting you mentioned about making a trip down South during the holidays and being at the Sugar Bowl football game on Jan- uary lst. If your schedule will permit we would be glad to entertain you here on either January gnd or Srd. We will be in the Midwest ourselves until December 3l. Appreciating an early reply and with best personal wishes, I remain Sincerely, Guitisla len Athletic Director. CP:mb ‘May 20, 1958. ale dienes | Mivector of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache to mike a trip into the southland while it i¢ warms It will be a pleasure to hear fran yous wo would ih if oo 3 [uae SO Tacuba {S72 Mexico, Ds Fe Dear Des Rios Thanic you very much for your kind letter of Hay 20the We greatly apsteotate Your invitation te en Sele Our Uatvataity tims in. prohineted tro: yinyins teams representing Y.M.CeA.'s or athletic clubs. We — Se ersi Peet as Zt ahnkd be wind to hear fren you Aettter in the mitter. 7 assure you it would be a pleasure for us to meet sane of your teams. Very sincerely yours, México City, may 20. --1938. Director of Athletic oT Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas, U, 8, &- Dear Sir: We have been watching the nice work your Basket Ball team has been doing in the last season, therefore L want you to let me know if you are in- terested on a tour to Old México City in the second week of november to play four games. Qur Basket Ball incomes are not so big as those of the tmited States;so if your terms are some- how reasonable for our budget we could arranfe for you a nice and pleasent stay while you are in our #¢"> country. The guarantee you would inquire for, will be perfectly assured in a bank or in the American Consulate. Sincerely yours Argel Flores fico . P. §.-Please answer as soon you can to: Dr. Angel Flores Rico 7 $2 Tacuba # 37--2. : Mexico, DO, Fs — — 7~ oOo A on VARSITY BASKETBALL SQUAD 1937=38 Corlis, Lyman Fenlon Durand Don Ebling Loren Florell George Golay Richard Harp | Robert Hunt Carl Johnson Lester Kappelman Fred Pralle Bruoe Reid Sylvester Schnidt Nelson Sullivan Ed Wienecke Wayne Nees Kirk Owen Utaver Mekacei if2f Lo UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION September 28, 1938 Robert E, Allen John Kline Jemes Arnold Wim, McKinley Lyman Corlis Kenneth Messner Fenlon Durand Ralph Miller Don Ebling Kirk Owen Howard Engleman Bruce Reid Loren Florell Jack Sands Bill Geiger Ralph Schaake George Gelay Bill Seuthern Richard Harp Nelson Sullivan Herbert Hartman Louis Thompson Wme Hogben Bruce Voran Carl Johnson Ed Wienecke Lester Kappelman Dear Fellows: The first official call for assembly and conference of the Kansas Basketball Squad is next Monday evening, October 3, at 7:30 peme in room 206 Robinson Gymnasium, This is the set-up for practice -- For the boys who work in the afternoon or who are engrossed in intramural football play we will meet in the evening three times a week, preferably Mon- day, Tuesday and Thursday. For the boys who are free to practice in the afternoon we will meet at 3:30 peme on Monday, Tuesday and Thurs-~ day afternoon, If for any reason it is necessary to change these dates we will discuss that at our conference. We are insisting that every boy have a physical examine ation at the University Hospital. This will be necessary befare scrimmage can take place. I have just talked with Dre R. I. Canutesen, Director of Student Health Service, and he very kindly stated that he would oxamine you fellows beginning at 9:30 in the mornings. It will be necessary for cach one of you to get in touch with the student hosp@#tal to make your appointments. Perhaps if your schedule is full for the morning Dr. Canuteson can arrange to take you at some other period, at his convenience. But remember «- it is necessary for you to clear that health examination hurdle before you can report actively for basketball. Lee The meeting .on Monday night will be brief, It will be merely a discussional meeting so that we may all understand each other. And in that connection I might parenthetically add a friendly warninge You will recall ene of our many daily admonitions on the athletic bulletin board down in the dressing room. It ran something like this: “You cannot fly with the owls at night and keep up with the eagles in the day time." Already there has been some misconception on the part of our squad men this fall, I am not speaking of the encoming sophomeres, I am referring to some of the older men on the squads» I knew some of you fellows think that you can drink and get away with it, but it won't work this year. Romember, I am not taking you off the squad, but you are actually decapitating yourselves. Seme of you fellaws have spoken to me that you are in dead earnest about making a great showing this year, and then when the season barely starts you "put on a | ", Just remember that Lawrence has a population of only 16,00 » ven the world is small nowadays, isn't it, boys? Assuring you that I am decidedly partial to boys who train and want to go places, I am, with no malice toward any of you but with a firm resolve to play the men who want most to play, Sarma | @omelParet Sincerely, Your ceach sate ub onieeiend Educati on, FCA:AH - Varsity Basketball. Caache December 15, 1938 Hire Re Ee Potors, Commissioner of Big Six Officials, 542 Soe Chelsea Avenue, — Kansas City, issourie - Dear Reaves: I an enclosing a diagram of our basketball , shooting Janes which we have found very helpfule Also i em sending our evaluation chart data (batting average) which may be of interest to yous In my book, “Setter tasketball", you will find additional material which you might use in your oe clinics Trusting this material will be of some lek Gi sae sak wah tes cade. I om Very s incerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coachs Se Pao Iowa State College : Office of University of Missouri oe Commissioner of Officials Columbia sar A of Kansas Big Si. University - Nebraska wrence I il d A hl : Cc f Lincoln Kansas State College nterco egiate Serie 5 Onserence } University of Oklahoma Mankastin 342 So. Chelsea Avenue | > fees KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI —s_— © Pe: oe 3 3 ; i 4 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS VARSITY BASKETBALL SQUAD Lyman Corlis Bob Allen — Don Ebling Howard Englemen Loren Florell George Golay Disk Harp Bill Hogben Herb Hartuan Lester Kappelman John Kline | Bill NeKinley Kemneth Messner Ralph Miller Bruce Reid py Ralph Schaake Decenber 27, 1938. Lite Ce Ce Wooten, » lickinson Theater, Kansase 3 Dear lire Wootens bags as Te 4839 to see ppreciate ‘= hat Agein thanking you, and with best wishes, I an The mitting then vacations As you your they are not practicing. bo | iad ONy Director of Physical Educati Varsity Basketbail Couche Very sincerely yours, FCAGAR Lyman corlis Bob Allen Fenlon Durand Don Ebling — Loren Floreli George Golay Dick Harp Bill Hogben Herb Hartaan Lester Kappelman Jolin Kline Bill McKinley Ralph Mller Bruce Reid Jack Sands Ralph Schaake Bruce Voran Viayne Nees Paul Mascner g ee gedak i , fil tail Tie Ady But 4a mati i AT i ii ii fig | i He 4 a : % + ; ih “al aoe Le ¢ i auth af iff Be 2) i Wha Hl 5 a "ly ¢ g Bee Bs ' ae : i nh i TH : , dtl i uit ey Bea ; ds li . syst ls ie tr Hil i fr ‘ar gt in mL 4 | Gil at nn Jenuary 4, 1959+ lire Ce Co Wooten, Manager; Dickinson Theater, Lawrence, Kansas.e Dear Mre Wooten: | I want you to lmow how very much I personally appreciate your generous attitude in allowing the basket- yall players to attend your theater during their Christms vacation practice periods The boys alb expressed their gratitude concern- | If at any time you can attend any of the games we will be very happy to have youe Just give me a ring at Ke Ue 83 and we will see that you get seme good seats. It will be a pleasure to have yous Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches Lawrence, Kansas January 5, 1939~ Mire Ce Ce Nooten, Manager, Dickinson Theater, Lawrence » Kansase ; Dear lire Wooten: We, the undersigned members of the University of Kansas varsity basketball agzregation of 1958-39, wnt you to lmow that we appreciate your generosity and sympathetic wuiderstanding of a group of college fellows in a college town during vacation desiring sone high spots in entertain- ment during a rather drab period in our academic existences | All of us would like for you to come up to some of our games and we will do our best to entertain yous - With appreciation for what you have done for us, we are Sincerely yours, January 5, 1939¢ Mre Stanley Schwahn, Manager, Granada Theater, » Kensase Dear lire Schwehn: . ii Gaon Geatebiaiindll anaes of the University of Kansas varsity basketball aggregation of 1938-39, want you ‘to lmow, Mre Schwelm, that we appreciate your generosity and sympathetic uderstanding of a group of college fellows in a college town during vacation desiring some high spots in ae eee existence sul, sebiliaice ataninhy Wid oe Oak ds meen athlete in your younger days, of no mean ability. He said that you threw a wicked horsehide and that you floated the leather ball very accurately in the iron hoope This, he en Te Pee” ee aneen See Peeeee All of us would like for you to came up to sane of our games end we will do our dumodest to entertain you eee embers of the Varsity Basketball Squad: When you hear this message fron me I way speeding to Columbia, Missouri — should I ha speeding? Moy T wild be driving sansly and I will heave the machine under control. Se ee ee ae a i felt since I had an opportunity ‘ meet tonight that we will be meeting in the less, that I wuld rather that you boys be the way for cur right to stay in the first divisions i Tan leaving you today with the conseioumess that: I agse AL ie i i yi a 4 ie ‘it ‘i iu te orl Cordially yours, Lo Sie eee get