ERNST F. PIHLBLAD, PRESIDENT EMORY LINDQUIST, VICE PRESIDENT JENS STENSAAS, TREASURER OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION BETHANY COLLEGE LINDSBORG, KANSAS March 20, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: About two weeks ago I wrote to Walter Varnum and also to "Swede" Carlson, but I have not received an answer to either letter as yet so can not tell you anything about those jobs. I also wrote to Tad Reid about four days after he resigned at Warrensburg, to find out who I should write to about that job. I suppose [I should write to the President but I believe a recommendation from you would do a lot more good than a letter to the President. [I also ask Tad if you were required to have a Master's Degree to teach in a Teacher's College. I know you do in some but was not sure about Warrensburg. Since Tad has not written I do not have this information. I Know howtthey feel about you over there and I thought they might ask you to recommend a basketball caach and I didn't want you to forget about "Uncle Elmer", I was in Salina Thursday and had a little talk with the Brincipal of the High School and I am thinking very seriously of putting in my application the first part of this week. I believe I could get alorig very nicely there as it is a large school and they have plenty of boys to pack from. The basketball season ended too soon for me as we won the last five out of six ball games we played. Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain oach EHS : LMS