March 25, 1938. tire Gail Shikles, 6230 Clinton Street, Hollywood, Californine — Dear Gails : i aly sched en of she Ws eel on puede z. hear from your Dad and see your brother cecasionally. It is Hye Eee Se heen Fk OE eer ef ee ee eee I am happy to Imow that you are getting along welle Mealine geod in the movie business is like making good in any~ thing else. Siaturally you have to spend long hours of toil and concentration to get to the top, because every field is erosded with accomplished individuelse Gail, we had «. very imuspicious start in basketball, and franily I thought thet third place would be the very we could dos it was very difficult to pick out team in early part of the seasot. ee ee efires He improved with each gamete Of course, Dick liarp alvays a swell player, but I had Swede Johnson in his oe the start of the seasorne Le two. i | fle had eume @lenprointeurts ard eons heavteshes, | but the way the boys came through to finish in a blaze of glory. was enough to make eamybody herppy. Gail, thank you for your good letter, end hore*e wishing you lots of good luce With every good wish, 1 am & : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOAsAH “Varsity Basketball Coathe