HOTEL CORNHUSKER LINCOLN -~-NEBRAS KA EXECUTIVE OFFICES SCHIMMEL DIRECTION February the Fourteenth 19 3 8 Mr.Porrest C.Allen, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence,Kansas Greetings,Coach Allen: eeeeejust a reminder that we are looking forward to having your basketball team with us on February 266 A word from you, to the writer, as to your definite require- ments will have his special attention. eeeeethanking you and awaiting your instructions, we are IAW - Pe a Lae Ly TS et gee 3 | ae ——— soe. 7. i | es oe ake ZS oe JO-8? ee : IN SAINT LOUIS. MISSOURI IN GALESBURG, ILLINOIS HOTEL KINGS- WAY HOLEL CUSTER. HOTEL BLACKSTONE IN OMAHA, NEBRASKA