November 14, 1940 Mre Louis Menze Basketball Coach Iowa State College Anes, Iowe - Dear Louies 3 - J believe, Louie, that we would make a mistake to advance the date to December 1. The fact that the Missouri Valley Conference is having their meeting at a time when our Bige-Six Conference picks for their meeting dates namely, the first Fridey and Saturday after the first Monday in December, makes it incumbent upon us that our basketball coaches should meet the same time as the faculty represen=« tatives and the athletic directorss that is, if the basketball coaches meet at all for interpretatione . @ quorum we can pass on the interpretations and mail then to the coaches who cannot be presente But efter this I think that we as basketball coaches need to pay attention to dates and not have games on the original dates that are used for assembling of the faculty reprecentativen, athletic directors and the basketball coaches. — i ob dhaehd bite 0 #500 Mutbish eect en Oe Best Valley oteshes would mest anf not the Jigufix eonches, I believe that ‘would be @ mistake. Also I think it is a mistake for out group not to meet with their groupe It definitely lays us open to criticism that our conference generally gets the appointments of the NeCeisis and then dees not meet with the other members of the NeCeAsls groupe Consequent}y, I believe we should hold to the dates of the 7th and 8th of Decembers I am sorry but I trust that you will agree with mee I certainly would like to have you end Bruce there, but I feel administratively this is a correct moves I too would like tobe with my group, but the reason that we scheduled our games on Monday and Tuesday was to keep these dates free for our meotinge With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCAslg | Varsity Basketball Coach