November 4, 1940 Dre Forrest C. Allien Mre We He Browne Mr. Bruce Drake Mr. George Edwards Mre Jack Gardner Gentlemen: Qur Big Six Basketball Coaches Meeting will be held Sunday morning, December 8th, at the Hotel Continental in Kansas City. Dre Allen will conduct the 5th District Basketball Interpretation Meeting Sunday afternoon on this same date. The Missouri Valley Conference is also holding their meeting on December 7th and Sth. It is our desire to get together with Missouri Valley Coaches sometime Sunday morning for a joint meeting. Will you kindly try to arrange your plans so that we can get two meetings out of the way Sunday morning. If the above plans do not meet with your approval, please let me know right away, so that we can make any changes that are necessary. 7 | Sincerely yours, OSeT Louis Menze Basketball Coach Iowa State College IM:EC P. Se to Dr. Fe CG. Allen. Dear Doe: I am sending the above letter out to each one of the coaches. I shall also send you, before the December 7th meeting the transcript of what we did in our May meeting, so that you wjgll know the things that we carried fr that time. apred ete Ce ail Since ely/you i. Le My a i] * call ob oy : t wae f tied: at) cuca Mic ences