| Attention Basketball Officials The first meeting of the Basketball officials of the Missouri Valley Conference will be held as follows: Set. J6G. 7, 1: 00mm, Hotel Continental in Kansas City, Mo. A joint meeting with the coaches of the conference will be held Sat, bec, 7, 7530 wm, Hotel Continental in Kansas City,Mo. Another joint meetins with the coaches will be held Sun. Cec. 8, 9:00am Hotel Continental in Kansas City, Ifo. Each official is to take the lead and act as chairman in the rules interpretation at your meeting on Sat. Dec. 7 at 1:000m as thus: OfTiciai rule Official Rule Duvall 1 Larson 8 Gibbs a lfiiller 9 Grossnan o Newsom LO Hasbrouck 4 O'Sullivan La Hinshaw S Pendleton iz Johnstone 6 Riegert 13 Kemper 7 Roper 14 Van Reen io Parke Carrollis to act as chief of this meeting. In this connecti may I ask Parke to have Lowe and Campbell supply the coaches and offi- cials room with one each of metal Basketball courts. There will be no diner this year. Kay I urge all of you to be on time for all sessions so we get the job done. Vith kind personal regards, he Ue SELete Executive Secretary P.5. It may be necessary to have a joint meeting of coaches and officials early Sunday afternoon, Dec. 8th. lIflake your plans accordingly. 1 4 4 RS ‘