Deceuber 3, 1940 Mire Artie Eilers Washington University Dear Lite Bilers: Dre Allen is out of tow at the present time _ Snd has asked me to reply to your letter of ilovember 296 Tae interpretation meeting is to be held from 113;00 Sunday morning until 2:00, Sash Gureht ict ted O*Sullivan wil} be there, and Dr. Allen will ask Henry Iba or the man they select from the Missouri Valley Conference “6 SS ae ee Oe Sees Pere : regarding interpretatione . fins: Nitin: plies: tp cavinie tak emia a a afternoon and will meet with your group any time that is _ conveniente It is hoped that early Smday morning there he cn ee eee for their mutual understanding and good wille You will hear further from Dre Allen when he returns. Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dre FeCe Alien