November 27, 1940 Wre Darrel Hinkhouse Beloit, Kansas Dear Darrel: | The interpretation meeting of the Big’ Six basket- ball coaches will be Sunday morning, December 8. We are meeting Saturdey night and Sunday morning, end the open meeting will be immediately following the Missouri Velley and Bix Six coaches meetings We will endeevor to finish our meetings by at least Sunday noon--we hope. There will be a meeting of the Missouri Valley coaches on Seturday, December 7, but several Big fix coaches have scheduled games, and we have had difficulty in getting this corralled. Heretofore we have met on Seturday and Sundey, but, in es much es some of the boys are playing Friday night, we thought it might be well hereafter to set a definite date for all Big Six coaches, and not have games on the Priday preceeding the Saturday that we are to meets Iowa State is playing a game on the 7th at Ames, and they are playing Minnesota at Minneapolis on the 9th. Oelehoma is pleying Oregon ot Normen on the 9th, and we will play the University of Texas in Lewrence on the 9th and 10th. So you see there are many reasons why some of the boys ¢o not want to be away for tie interpretation, especially since they heve scheduled games so close to the 7th and Sthe | However, I am definitely calling a meeting for the 8th, Sunday morning, end most of us will be down there for the meeting of all coaches on the 7th. I have written Artie Lilers, secretary of the Missouri Valley coaches, and sent the schedule, so thet ss many coaches 2s possible cen meet on Seturdey night. Early Sunday rorning the Big Six coaches will meet together, and then they will heve a conference with the Missouri Valley coaches, and, if possible, I would like to definitely set the opening meeting for 11:00 o'clock Sunday morning. I am glad that you plan to ettend the meetings I will see you there. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA:1lg:min Varsity Basketball Coach