IOWA STATE COLLEGE Ames, Iowa December 20, 1939 Dre Fo Ce Allen, University of Kansas Mre We He Browne, University of Nebraska Mre Bruce Drake, University of Oklahoma Mr. George Edwards, University of Missouri Mr. Jack Gardner, Kansas State College Gentlemen: I am enclosing a copy of the Basketball Interpretations of our Big Six Meeting. Sincerely, ‘ty-Ee Menze, Secretary LEM: JH Big Six Basketball Coaches December 14, 1939 BASKETBALL INTERPRETATIONS OF THE BIG SIX CONFERENCE FOR THE YEAR 1940 1. GENERAL SUGGESTIONS ae Officials should notify athletic authorities upon their arrival in town. be Starting time of games will be as follows: 1) Iowa State: 7:15 pDeme during the week; 7:30 pem. on Friday and Saturday, 2) Kansas: 7:30 Delle 3) Kansas State: 7:30 Dele 4) Oklehoma: 7245 Delle 5) Missouri: 8:00 Delle 6) Nebraska: 8:00 peme ce The home team shall wear white shirts; the visitors are to dress in their school colorse de A copy of the official box score shall be mailed to the Secretary of the Big Six Conference, e. The visiting team is to send to the home team, at least eight days in advance of the game, the names and numbers of all players who will make the trip. f, Hach school is to exchange with all others squad information, primarily for pre-game publicity. This information should include number, name, position, height, weight, home town, year on the varsity, men lost by graduation, veteran letter-men returning, and any team records which may add to newspaper interest, Be The type of ball used by each school is as follows: 1) Iowa State: Riddell. : 2) Kansas: Rawlings Naismith Lace, or Rawlings M Cee 3) Kansas State: Rawlings=Wetsmttt ince. 4.) Missouri: Riddell. 5) Nebraska: Riddell. 6) Oklahoma: Riddell. h. Ten men is the maximum that a coach may take on a trip. There is no rule on the number that may be used at home. 2 RULES INTERPRETATIONS ae On balls which go out of bounds behind the basket, the twelve-foot lane shall be permitted in which to make the pass back into the court. This, of course, does not apply to out of bound plays following a field goal. be Whenever a ball is awarded to a team out of bounds in its front court, the official should hand the ball to the player in the front court, step aside, say "Play", and be sure the player is in a position to play. ce In the three-second count in the lane, the five-second count out of bounds, and the ten-second count in advancing the ball to the front court, it is asked that the officials use the so-called “artillery man's count". In other words, the coaches favor a slightly long second as they feel that officials have been hurrying, particularly the three-second and the five-second count, It is suggested that officials practice this count with a stop watch. Basketball Interpretations, 2. d. The official score book for the game is to be left at the scoring table at the half. e, Attention is called that the officials take particular pains to see that the scorer knows on whom the foul has been called. It is recommended that the official in the most favorable position get this information to the scorer. f. In designating field goals, it is asked that the official raise both hands up, as in a touchdown; that one hand be raised up for a free throw. In designating no goal, both hands crossed parallel to the floor, as in the missed point after touchdown. g@, It is asked that the official scorer for each school have printed in the pack of the score book the pertinent rules regarding timing and scoring. he It is the desire of the coaches that Rule 7, Section 9, relative to running with the ball, be observed. Especially that part of the rule which pertains to a man running with the ball in attempting to get around a guard who is in defensive position. i, Coaches approve a little slower whistle on held balls. In other words, they want the officials to give that one tug that is permissible before held ball is called. je Would like to call attention to Rule 7, Section 10, particularly to the wording that a fumble at the end of a dribble is not a double dribble. ke A substitute, when reporting at the scorer's bench, must have his sweat suit off. 1. The coaches would like to call the attention of the officials to Rule 14, Section 7, relative to disconcerting the free thrower on the free throw lene, CALENDAR University of Kansas 1939=40 September 16 Saturday -~ Psychological and physical examinations. Registrations September 18 September 19 September 20 September 21 September 22 November 6 November 20 November 29 December 4 December 4 December 6 ~~ Deeember 10 December 20 January $ February 6 February 7 February 9 February 19 Merch 4 Mareh 26 Apri 29 April 30 — May 29 May SO June 6 June 10 Monday «» Psychological and physical examinations. Registrations Tuesday = Physical examinationse Enrollment of all students begins. Wednesday -—- Physical examinations. Registration and enrollment end. Thursday «- Beginning of class work in all departments. Friday -- Pirst convocation and annual address. Mondey ~~ Concert: Marcel Dupre, ‘French organist Monday =- Concert: Eva Jessye Negro Choir mm Thanksgiving recess begins at noon (12:30). Monday «- Class work resumes at 8:50 aeme Monday =- Concert: Zino Francescatti, Violinist Wednesday == Construct stage in Auditorium for Christmas vespers. Sunday — Annual Christmas Vespers > Wednesday —- Christmas recess begins at 5 peme ‘sem Class work resumes at 8:50 asms Thursday -— First semester examinations begins Thursday = Fifst semester examinations ends (Second Semester) _ Monday — Registration of all new students. Enrolinent of all aw : Tuesday «— Enrollment ends. Wednesday -— Begiming of class work in all departments. Friday -— Psychological examinations for all new undergraduate students. Monday -- Concert: Kansas City Philharmonic Orbhestra; Afternoon & Evenings Mondey —= Concert; Walter Gieseking, Pianist Wednesday -— Easter recess begins at noon (12:30). Tuesday — Class work resumes at 8:30 acme Monday -— Concerts Lawrence Tibbett, Baritone Tuesday « Concer&: Young American Artist Program Wednesday — Second semester examinations begine Thursday — Memorial Day - Helidays. Thursday — Second semester exeminaticns end. Sunday -- Baccalaureate exercises .« , Monday =- Commencement exercises. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1939~19406 BIG SIX CONFERENCE SCHEDULE January 5 Oklahoma at Lawrence Januaty 12. Kansas State at Lawrence January 18 Missouri at Columbia January 23 Nebraska at Lawrence February 12 February 20 February 24 February 26 March 1 March 8 December 5 December 8 December 18 & 19 February 15 March 4 Iowa State at Lawrence Kansas State at Manhattan Nebraska at Lincoln Iowa State at Ames Missouri at Lawrence Oklahoma at Norman NON-CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Oklahoma As & Me at Lawrence Central Mo. St. Tche, at Warrensburg Southern Methodist U. at Lawrence “Oklahoma A. & M. at Stillwater Creighton University ot Omaha, Nebre SG a in as ag ak Aa ed Si ng an ele ea a paar eee { ee aban hind WEN AD Oi ein iX Sb EPP eer eee ites oe eee supaeiion CALBWDAR Uatversi ty of Kansas Academic Year, 19%0-'%1 "4 ry school eredentiale ani college credentials for advanced stand- : ing deonid be filed with tie hivercity net later than thie date. — Sept. 1% - ~~ Saturday, Psychological anf Physical Examinations. Registration. Sept. 16 -- Monday, Paychological ani Physical Seaminations. RBerietration. Sept. 17 -- Tuesday, Physical eeneiaaet ——, of all stulents begins. Sept. 18 -- Yednesda: | ——— ee 2 - Monday, leaneuier aaeeet hb Oat 5 21 <= Saturday, Christmas recese begins at noon. 6 =» Monday, CGlasawork reaumed at 8:30 a.m. 23 ~~ Thureday, First comester examinations ° Jon. 30 = Thursday, First semester examinations 5 7 o3% Je. ~- wontag, Reghatration of all new y atulente, tn of all students begins. Fed. - Friday, Peychologica’ nations 1 : April 9 -~ Gednesday, Easter recess begins at noon (12320). April 15 «- Tuesday, Clasawork resumed at $130 a... May 26 «= » Second semester examinations vegin. May 30 -- Friday, Memorial Day. Holiday. dune 5 <= r, Second semester examinations end. June § == Sunday, Baccalaureate Rxercises, Jase 9 == Moniay, Alumni Uxercises. | June 9 ~~ Monday, Commencement Exercises (2vening). | (ieee pee ale Fae sich are FRPP aioe ag seta iis ge tea LS fe tS As SINR iy trae Mee