duly 2, 1988. ele merely made the change fron Director of Athletics to Direstor _ Of Phaysical Education without going through my old filess it is uiee of you to do thie, and I eppreciate ite \ i - t am enclosing edpy of the letter I have Tt was a great pleagure to have you here. With best wishes for your comtinued success, I am @. Mrte We Le Hoody, veahieitig ee a aie Salveston, Tomse oe S ipiies 4h allt in wlereeg Oa thet To Mr, _— Se by Mrs » Your coach, who is attending our cubttie ts che tekcumee iene Se him with use Direstor of Pagatoal nication, . 3 : aa 38 FRED A. BAIRD hg mage ji) ea ae Seals GEO. A. RICHTER BAIRD-RICHTER PAINT -- WALL PAPER -- GLASS it East Sixth Avenue Phone 43 EMPORIA, KANSAS June, 16,1938. Dre Forrest C. Allen, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Mre Allen; Jack came home yesterday afternoon,happy and well satisfied with the treatments you gave him. His mother and I, do greatly appreciate what you have done for him If you think you should see him again or have any suggestions as to care at home ,please advise us. Jack wonders if he will be able to play baseball within the next three or four weeks. - Gy AMD aw, CLARENCE V. BECK ATTORNEY GENERAL ASSISTANTS J. S. PARKER « THEO. F. VARNER MORTON B. COLE we. E. SCOTT Cc. GLENN MORRIS R. M. KIMBALL, CHIEF CLERK STATE OF KANSAS OFFICE OF ATTORNEY GENERAL TOPEKA June 21, 1938 Dre Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Doctor Allen: It was very kind of you to write me on June 4 about Max O'Dell. The reason I neglected answering your letter was that I had hoped to see you before this timee I appreciate very much your kindness, and hope that I may be able to see you and talk with you before very long. I expect to be through Lawrence one day this week, and will call you at that timee With kind personal regards, Beck, Attorney General Tel "awe read your good letter of the 22nd insthnt with mush , : | és You have a ‘Yoo, I did have @ visit to Wana Springs, Gas, thie spring, It was the best semon thet I had ever soo. To see partial and eanctines a neare | _ 2 Smyeired regarding the chargce Thore, and if my 7 | Trusting thet thie’ will clive you courage end also a desire to _ help yourself furthor, Ten — | : ee i * i on : Be if Mba ees STS RESTA STE Smith Genter June 22, Kansas 9%. Dr. Forrest Allen Lawerance, kansas Near Sir: I am writing you at the suggestion of Waldean Hooper of Smith Cenier. I talked with him Sunday(J.19)at which time he gave me your adress,and he thought if I toldyou mye ondition, you might be able to give me some hel;ful information about Warm Springs, Ceorgia. Tam a’ boy 16 yrs. of age. in the fall of 1936, Oct. to be exact, I had Infantile Paralysis. “hen 1 began to feel better I was paralized from high in the small of my back gown, and my right arm was partially paralized. Since January 1937 I have been using this arm constantly. At the present time, cutside of beang sraller than the other arm and aslightly crooked thumb, there is no oute ward appearence that this arm was ever paralized. : IT am able to move my legs alittle and they seem to be graduall; getting better. The mostserious trouble is in my back. The paralysis started in the small of my back, almost completly annihilating all muscle tissue in that part of my back. ({ had had kidney trouble fora jr. previous to this time and I think this is the reason the paralysis struck so hard in the small of my back.) This left my back veryweak at this place. nue to this weakness I have been unable towalk even with leg braces and crutches. Sometime during the month cf Narch (3€ ) a slight curvature of the spine has statted in the small of my back. +he Doctor I have been going to says it will take two spinal bone grafts to straighten my back and if I wider- stand it right would male my back rigid at this place. These operations are dangerous. I knew two girls who died a ifew burs after similar gfpeoperatinns wer e prefOrmed’ Wal dean said you had been toWarm Springs; andwould be glad to giva me ahy informationthat you could. Iwould appreciate any informati.n that you could give me. Sincerely yours Howard Barnes Smith Center, Kansas . RR #i Be: 13 adherent asa lowsves, basin Sak sues enmpetly fce_ Acting: te I congretula sclected one individual that wall lave @11 of hie cards sbowe the tabto whan ho deals. 7 Of course, it ia oxtrqmely to me to have guoh & fine friend to eduinister the edusetional affairs of the State of Kensase ly adaivation end heppimess is un~ With every good wich to you aud yours, I an THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE 1201-S CLASS OF SERVICE ; gy Wy Re SYMBOLS This ‘i: : full- DL = Day Letter is is a full-rate ‘ { 5 T) NM = Night Message % ‘Telegram or Cable- . gram. unless its de- NL =Night Letter ferred character is in- iets = suitable Lc = Deferred Cable symbol above or pre- NLT = Cable Night Letter, ceding the address. R. 8. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. GC. WILLEVER A Ship Radiogram 7 PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF “THE BOARD FIRST VICS-PRESIDENT The filing time shown.in the date line on telegrams and day letters-is STANDARD TIME atpoint of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination. —= at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone 2764. 3MAY 19 AM 7 5= KAW7 28 NL=LINCOLN NEBR MAY 18 , DR FORREST C ALLEN= ; “BASKETBALL COACH UNI OF KANSAS= REQUESTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO HAVE BASKETBALL COACHES MEETING AT EARLIER TIME THAN LAST YEAR SUGGEST WE MEET FRIDAY MORNING PROMPTLY AT TEN ALL COACHES HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED=' WH BROWNE. ie THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND. SAFEST WAY TO SEND MONEY IS BY TELEGRAPH OR CABLE IN Coach W. Harold Browne, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebrask., Just received your arery| good letter. I suggest it would be. Ch ht, ‘ better taste if you would send: a) night letter to each of the boys suggesting | thet we get together Friday morning at 9 o'clock when the directors, faculty members are meeting. You could arrange (the setup with hotel meeting place. Forrest C. Allen. Speers SeS. | Che I told him that I had the thire wook pretty definite. ty olosed in D thought that wo would male the trip to Texase. T do not like to @leappoimt thea after we have gone as fay as wo hawos I did tell him that I thought we might play the seGond wook in December, end a series of three genos would o — oe A T told hin that im 1928 ant 129 we played the Unive | I em willing to play him each year for several yoars, both dow: there and here, om reciprocal guarantees with the option that student and athletic season tickets are to cout oe ee hise , SL ead idee Al ee es o that you jkchdh wok Yo Ak in Ghai wth bin ant talk deer oes es mattore — eee re aac oes totem Ce ee mae te receipts. i be gaff wl gra Swen aaa a a A grain Tf At to | has been Edie iandade io bchehia nik “Ath uienh, un \ ooald tet Nook to me as if he is terribly auxious wiless he dinar wy re = ee rere | Math every good wish to you snd yours, 1 om dune 4, 1988, ‘He Clarence Book, Genoral, Attorney State House, Topelm, Kansase— Dear Clarenses WA11, Johns Just onlled me regarding your brother- inlaw, Max O'Delle ie tates thnk eo wit) end that he in desirous of getting a job - engineering in the library or scse place on the campuss I will be very to help Max in every wey SS ee ee the jobs of the Ath». Nate Aetechadbin and Stibe4 oeteeAdin com oki acta the direstion of Mr. Guim Herry, Mrector of Athi ctics, @ad of course Ad Lindsey makes a great many POGCEMGTe ations for help for his football mene The football men, he ee prs ee ee eee anehteh idee ene or aid to this vory just cause of Won't you write me and give me the back SsoalA sal Os angina OF tae cs Gok 3 one wath you fupthert Tt fs eluays @ pleasure to hear fron Very cordially yours, Direstar of Physical Eaunetton, FCAsAll ‘Varsity Basketball Conch. at ae 7 ip ate it ii nh Hi Hi ga ik a qa if i ql Li q J ij g 3 : Mire Jack Selita, Kansas City, Kansase Dear Jacics i ce iecaheiiinn Sx yok need hedin i A 8 little with the money you ow us. In your letter to me which was sent carly in May you seid that : . : j 6 ; Mrs Jeol: Bucknen, 4114 Metropoliten, Kansas City, Sansage Dear Jacks oe cee Bis Or a, Micky; ete em tk ee: that you will pay this, or part of it, at avery carly | dates I imow how diffieult thinge are, and I mow that ee ee the rest of uss I am glad thet you have cot work and that you are in a posicion to help your folks oute — If there is any way that I can help you at any time, Jack, please de not be hesitent in calling upon With every good wish to you and your foliss, I am . Sincerely yours, FRED A. BAIRD GEO. A. RICHTER BAIRD-RICHTER PAINT -- WALL PAPER -- GLASS 11 East Sixth Avenue Phone 43 EMPORIA, KANSAS June 4, 19358. Dre Forrest Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: In accordance with your suggestion when I was in Lawrence recently, I am writing to advise that I will be there lignday or Tuesday, June 6th or 7th, to take treatments for the length of time it will be necessary to correct my trouble. Trusting this will be satisfactory with you, I am, Yours very truly, p ae Allow mo to extend my hearty congrats to you upon your Glection as President of the University of Kansas | I om very sure that undor your administration progrosc wilt to eantimous and on the orate With sineere good wishes, I om Very cordially yours, FRED A. BAIRD GEO. A. RICHTER BAIRD-RICHTER PAINT -- WALL PAPER -- GLASS 11 East Sixth Avenue Phone 43 EMPORIA, KANSAS May 26, 1938. Dr. Forrest Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr, Allen: Jack has a chance to come to Lawrence Seturday morning and wonders if you can take time out to give him another treatment. He will be there by 11:50 or if you wish can come earlier. If you can see him Saturday please wire me collect the hour most suitable to you. Thanking you for your kindness and assuring you of my appreciation of the help you have given Jack, z remain, May 20, 1933e lire Anos Le Burke, Dear Amos L wes very Iiy to heer from you, em dina to neot lire Pouaile T learned that lire Yencil hes beon working should stick to that job because business is pretty toughe ‘The way things are now if a fellow has a job he better stick to it. | a ee Minit 4 we shes ed hl ew young men who wish to get an education, end will be happy to do anything I can for Mre Fensils But I really think it would be umeise for big to "change horses in the middle of the strean", esposially right nowe T¢ was @ pleasure to hear from yous | | | Director of Physical Raat Varsity Baskettall Coathe Kansas City, Mo. May 17, 1938. Dr F C Allen Lawrence, Kans. Dear Doctor Allen: The bearer of this letter is Mr. George Fencil who has been a student in our Junior College for the past two years. He has made an excellent record here and is pure gold. He plan to attend Kansas University and needs some work to support himself and his family. I know you have & your hands more than full in taking care of those who give some promise of development in your own department, but I thought you might be able to give him some leads er help him make some contacts that might be helpful. Will you be im Lawrence Friday afterneeon and not too busyg I want to see you and thought I would drive out, leaving here about 4:30 if you were going to be there and not too busily occupied. Tell Mr Feneil and he can inform me. Mildred and Mrs. Morrow join me in best wishes to you and your family. Sincerely, lie Willies Le Sullor, “Business Meng Asturance Coe, ne ONGig, aerts Dear Bilis. Dice. a Sen eeey Oak cay phen 40 emenpilia, ines ead Atlavta,y plus « number of commencement addresses in has lay’ me’ from aneworing your lind epistle of the 20th ule — Pilling. suas: 5 faim tr COliarg: the eames ob lens sae wolle Sy youngest son, Bob, gradumted from the Black Norse Treop Sumer School last summers Ne attended the post three sumeers and our family regted the Neywood cottage on Lake Mexincukes Kee + Tloamwold. So I got well acquainted with the staff there. I played golf with Admiral Rodman and | Gemorel Ceniliot and the coaches. ; Frankly, BA2, I om afraid thet tho echoole thet : put out the old provartial board, room, oté., have hims And the tuition here is double for cut of state studentes ‘hen . you contaot students they expect sauetiing. I imve no boys r basketball cag. thet ene getting a thin dime or any me find m oe a ce eoaching out boys who are Nee some body to feed them both during the time they are > and after they get outs cae ‘BALL, plesse do not thint thet I an umyarostative your iciinessese I aseme you that I om not. I would evden tal toys who Gacide on Manon, thon build the ald morale ani fighte . With best wishes, I am of