Oklahoma High School Athletic Association Member of National Federation of High School Athletic Associations OFFICERS BOARD OF CONTROL A. C. WIEMER, DRUMRIGHT, PRESIDENT oe ee WALTER P. MARSH, EL RENO Wm. EARL WHITE, HASKELL, VICE-PRESIDENT REX O. MORRISON, ADA PHONE 7-2744 OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. November 21, 1959 DEWITT WALLER, ENID, TREASURER W. D. JOHNSON, SKIATOOK Dr. F. C. Allen, Basketball Voach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I am holding a number of basketball rules meetings and there are a few points I need help on at this time. When will the rules meet- ing in Kansas City be held? it seems that it was the intention of the rules committee to clarify the terms "possession" and "control" for in a number of cases they have changed the word possession to control. In the note under Rule 8, A, they do not use the word control but instead use the phrases "in possession" and "not in possession." Does the phrase "in possession" meah only when it is in the grasp of the player, or does it mean when in possession or control, such as on a dribble? Under Rule 15, C, first penalty: There are going to be many oc- casions when a player shooting for the basket will have his back to the basket, at least at the start of his throw. This would arise when a man attempts a shot from the post position or he might be going away from the basket and start his throw with his back to the basket, possibly turning in the process of the shot. If the guard is between the player and the basket and fouls him from behind and the basket is successfull, does he still get two shots? Yours truly, dees LKA/f He Sic a.