oa ; ie ; a A, gyi MISSOURI VALLEY CONFERENCE Cre me. : December 1, 1939 TO BAKRTBALI COACHES AND THE FOLLOWING BASKETBALL OFFICIALS, Carroll, Duval, Gibbs, ssman, Hasbrouck, Hinshaw, Johnstone, Kemper, Larson, \‘ilier, Newsom, North, O*Sulliven, Pendleton, Riegert, Roper, Van Reen: Enclosed is a copy of the officiels' addresses together ~ith a copy of proposed menuel for timing and scoring. Please bring this material with you ox ek in order tht it may be fully discussed. — 1) Sehedule and progrem of Meetings Officials Date Time Plaee December 9 2:50 PM. Room A, fifth floor,Hotel Continental,Kanses City Full discussion of the rules, recommending interprets tions to the eoaches at the evenine meeting. ‘le se note three chenges in names of those indiv- iduals who will be responsible for teking the lead in sf@peifie rule numbers, ieee Gros ama N<-+<~~ ~~ + ee i cteocooncecaconaf NO@WSO Nee ~~ --a- = ~ meen en n~. + ------- 96, See. Lars GF), ee te et: oe a Se Ste tee: Bas Wr OUtiiee cones nc nenesncces Johns tone-------------..~--- 10 inclusive -14 inelusive inclusive lusive Rieger t----~----+----~---.-- WEF 1B sewciiccccnnmneeniiminme nti | Ki bb OS 8 ON et em te RY a GR HEIN ORI eter AY HY ne Hinshe Wee----------- ee cS GID DS << ~ + ee ene we ewe Pend] eb Gn <<6-.cnccvcconecucene Chairman to teke lead in oe aing Note. Parke Carroll to con Lowen in the room, , Meeting to sdjourn «t/ fr 2) Coaches = Da te Time December 9 2:30 Cheizmmon: A. hk. Bite Full di seussion