f 2 Joint meeting for the purpose of correlating the thought of both groups in order to arrive st = more definite interpret«tion concerning rules, This meeting to edjourn at 10:15 Pu. Coaches end Officials Date Time Place December 10 9:00 A. '. Room to be provided. Chairman: As Ee Eliers Joint meeting for the purvose of ony interpretation not covered in previous meet ing. “ Coaches to be prepared to submit the following information: 1) Starting time of home games - ist geome of doubleheader? 2) Whet home teems play last geme of doubleheader, os a Name of hotel where pre-game conference for officials is to be held. 4) Any other valuable informe tion coneerning officials fer a successful Season. ae Meeting to adjourn 11:00 A.\. Date Time Place December 10 11:15 A.M. Room B, fifth Chairman: A, E. Bilers 1) Consider all interpret: tion as reeoumen 2) Consider manual fow timing and seor YZ 3) Report om publicity of home games. 4 newspapers and your own publicity Kk papers, 4) ee eee Seles & Be Z publicity man. Only fair attempt licity men responsible. 5) ASOeSLOOES Officials Da te Time December 10 # 11:15 Ae ie Examination - 100 tet : Specizl ins true 1 This meeting tg / Coaches ond of Da te ° 4£eeretery and Conference year. ‘hy not make your pub- 3 ; time limit: 45 minutes. h any other items, Yo be announeed “Agpvestern Intercollegiate Officials Associstion, Coaches and offi ake plans to attend. Gener al CAS ‘ oF SS fhe following of: is should please have the mediesl examination blank completed: Duval, Lerson, Viller, Newsom, Riegert, Roper, Note. Am accepting the mediesl examination fulfilled by the other officials as of football. May I impress upon all of you to be punctusl st all meetings. The suceess of the aeetane depends on yo. . I must know by return mil if for any reason you esnnot attend any one of these meetings. | | , With kind persore 1 regards Ae We Executive Secretary