3 signal will be given when the ball crosses the plane of the boundary - line. b) When the ball is to be in play following a missed free t. row the signal will b= given as soon as it is evident that the throw is not sutcessful. This occurs after a single free throw for a personal foul and after the last throw of « multiple throw if at least one throw is for a personal foul. c) Hf play is to be resumed by a jump the whistle is the signal to start the wateh or clock and it will be sounbed as the Ball leaves the official's hands for the toss. Note that play is re- sumed by a jump at center after a double foul or fouls by both teams which are administered the same as a double foul. Procedure at End of Period Fire pistol at end of period, If you are uneble to make the Official hear the signal, go on the floor immediately to notify him. You are resnonsible for deciding whether the ball was in the air on a trv at the inst: rt time was uD in case the signel did not sound or was not heard by the Official. Timing Information For Game Timer: College halves are 20 minutes. Intermission Between halves is 15 minutes. Over time periods, 5 minutes cach. An intermission of 2 minutes shall be allowed before cach extra period. If a substitute replaces an injured or disqualified player, oO seconds are allowed in addition to the one minute for removal. ‘hen it is time for play to start or to be re~ sumed after stoppace, signal the Official. Manual for Basketball Scorers Equipment Scorebook Pencils. Substitution slips. (Sugeest ion) Note: «eThesc slips, supplied to each coach befor: the game, should give the name and nimber of each substitute. he substitute leaves his slip at the Scorer's table and presents to the Official the slip for the player he is to replace. The Official hands the slip to the player who is leeving the game. Starting Hech H:1lf