Ure Le Ee Menze, Basketball Coach, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowie Dear Louies — dias ics itd tea tas oi ei We are Playing Oklehomn Aggies on December Sth. That is on Tues- an ue a eet ee dave a ae as ae ke oe Decenber Sth, and y Sak week Ge tees ates Git of & ae blow-off here on Decenber 9th. Tem wondering 4f you wuld be kind enough to write to the other Big Six coaches and consult your schedule and seo which would be the better. I have explained to you my selfish reasons, and fecl that we should weigh each one of our own coaches’ decisions before we mike final arrangenents. Sines the Miseows. Yalley coaches are mocting the &th and 9th, if it doesn't conflict with our ow coaches* interests I would like to have our meeting at