ALBERT PIKE HOTEL. McGEHEE HOTEL VICKSBURG HOTEL HOTEL WM. LEN . HOTEL MAJESTIC THE EASTMAN HOTEL LITTLE ROCK, ARK. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. VICKSBURG, MISS, ii ; MEMPHIS, TENN. HOT SPRINGS, ARK. HOT SPRINGS, ARK. SOUTHWEST ee oe 3 hel IU y > LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS Executive Office MIS Ss:O UR 1 DUDLEY C. BAKER - MANAGER H. GRADY MANNING, . PRESIDENT « November Seventeenth 2 4S Dear Phog: Referring to your letter of November 14, will state that in accordance with your request, we have reserved the Green Room on the fifth floor for. ua a meeting of the Basketball Rulés Interpretations | Committee to be held at 2 p.m., Sunday afternoon, : December 10th. This room will accommodate 200 to Des a The symmasium will also be available on that Sunday aft- a ernoon so that you can use it from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 4 for demonstration work. = reference to the matter of the Big Six, we have received today a letter from Mr. George F. Veenker, arranging for a meeting of the Big Six on the d dates of December 8 and 9. He had originally set this meeting date for December 1 and 2 but his letter today cancelled this date and arranged for the 8 and 9 of December as stated. be cr Dy Yours very truly sete L “HOTEL )C ONTINEND “ROBIN McGEORGE Assistant Manager ; ea NS SF yp rete ee ames ie ded ae OR aera cbt ns Gee aed eee Mr e Fy C e Allen University of Kansas 3 Lawrence, Kansas P rneg/s : a a