‘THE KANSAS CITY STAR, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1938. ATHLETIC TALK ON Conferences of Missouri. and) Kansas in Annual Con- clave Here. | | | A CLOSED VALLEY MEET Affairs of the Loop Are Taken Up at Executive Ses- sion Today. CAGE COACHES TO RULES Interpretation Meetings Are the Order of Program for Tonight. Athletic conferences of Missouri “and Kansas as well as the Big Six and Missouri Valley conferences were sending representatives to the annual winter meetings here today. This morning the Missouri Valley | conference began a session behind closed doors. Affairs incidental to ‘the running of the conference were to be «discussed. | At 7:30 o’clock tonight basketball coaches are to hold a rules.inter- | pretation meeting. This group then meets tomorrow morning with the basketball coaches of the Big Six. The Missouri Intercollegiate Ath- letic association also is scheduled for a meeting tonight. Tomorrow morn- |ing it will arrange its 1939 football An open basketball rules meeting will be held at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the Hotel Continental. All coaches and officials are invited. ROBIN McGEORGE MANAGER SWIMMING POOL 350 ROOMS:-- 350 BATHS ALL ABOVE 1ot FLOOR ELEVENTH AND. BALT fae os City, a ROOF GARDEN — en ROBIN McGEORGE MANAGER = Sr nr SSE 2S TE TPE NTL ET PRS | OR R CRETE Sa aaa 350 ROOMS :::+ 350: BATHS ALL ABOVE Om FLOOR SWIMMING POOL ROOF GARDEN ELEVENTH AND BALTIMORE ne City, Mo Reames Be All held talle are to be put in play in the nonrest of the three circles. If there is doubt as to which is the nearest circle, the center is the cae useds Ge The official shall place hie hand on the back of the player fouled and Be We want to call attention to the Note to (fficiale wer Mule 10, Ae When a basket is mide the official will sign the tasket by mising = which is as follows: his arm end showing two fingerse i | i gg i iit die i 28 he i a 4 8 o> N se BASKETBALL INTERPRETATIONS OF THE BIG SIX CONFERRICS Ie General Suggestions: } @e OffMieials should notify athletic authorities upon their arrival in tow. . se Starting time of gmes will be as follows: ) ) 1) Tow State = 7:15 during the wooks 7:30 on Pris ani Sate 2) Mamene = 7:30 pete 3) Memeae State — 7:30 pelle 4) Okiahom: < 7:30 pete &) Missouri = 9200 pets 6) Nebrasian < 8:00 pelte ce The home tean ic to wear white wiiforms. ‘This includes shirt and pants, The visiters are to dress in thoir school colorse ds A copy of the official box score shall be milled to the Secretary of the Big Six conference. os The visiting tem is to send to. the hone teen at least eight days in 2———— be A22 held batts aw to De put fo vay Sn the aonrest of the three circles. If there is doubt as to which is the nearest eirele, the oemter is the one usede 3 Ge The official stall place his hand the back of the player fouled and raise the other hande nas de Rule 8, Section 8, mler Hote relative to division lino, tho following is on attenpt to mal the rile clears ee ee rs se tae ae S 5 been pessed into the teamemte who is ‘the back courte court according to the i! ef ee cei lag OD Wii Ae NE pte Seay AREAS age candles fa race = yaa eae ame ; usta BIG SIX BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1937-38 Jame 7 KANSAS vse Oklahoma at Lawrence Jane 8 ; Iowa State vs. Kansas State at Ames Jane 1l KANSAS vs. Kansas State at Manhattan Jane 14 Missouri vs. Nebraska at Lincoln Jane 15 Iowa State vs. KANSAS at Lawrence Kensas State vs. Missouri at Manhattan Jane 17 Iowa State vs. Oklahoma at Norman Jan. 19 KANSAS vse Missouri at Columbia Jane 21 Iowa State vs. Missouri at Columbia Jane 22 Kansas State vs. Nebraska at Lincoln Jane 29 Iowa State vs. Nebraska at Ames Jen. 31 Kansas State vs. Oklahoma at Norman Febe 2 KANSAS vse Nebraska at Lawrence Feb. 5 Iowa State vs. Missouri at Ames Nebraska vse Oklahoma at Norman Feb. 7 KANSAS vs. Kansas State at Lawrence Febe 9 ; Nebraska vs. Oklahoma at Lincoln Feb. 10 : Kansas State vs. Oklahoma at Manhattan Feb. 12 Iowe, State vse Kansas State at Manhattan Missouri vs. Nebraska at Lincoln Febe 14 Iowa State vs. Nebraska at Lincoln Feb. 18 KANSAS vse. Oklahoma at Norman Feb. 19 Kansas State vse Missouri at Columbia oe Iowa State vs» KANSAS at Ames Kansas State vse Nebraska at Manhattan Missouri vse Oklahoma at Norman Febe 26 Iowa State vse Oklahoma at Ames KANSAS vs. Nebraska at Lincoln -Febe 28 Missouri vse Oklahoma at Columbia e Mare 3 KANSAS vse Missouri at Lawrense Jane 7 Li 14 15 17 19 21 22 29 31 Feb. 2 o nN an 10 12 12 14 18 1& 21 él 21 26 26 28 Mare 3 Oklahoma Kanses State Kansas. Missouri Iowa State _ Missouri Iowa. State Kansas Iowa State Kansas State Nebraska Kansas State Nebraska Missouri Nebraska Kansas State Oklahoma Oklahoma Nebraska Iowa State Iowa State Kansas Kansas State Nebraska Kensas Missouri Kansas Oklahoma Oklahoma Missouri at Lawrence at Ames at Manhatten at Linceln at Lawrence at Manhatten at Norman at Columbia at Columbia at Lincoln at Ames at Normsn at Lawrence at Ames at Norman at Lawrence at Lince.= at Manhatten at Columbia at Manhattan at Lincoln at Norman at Columbie at Manhattan at Ames at Norman at Lincoln at Ames at Columbia at Lawrence 1937-1938 “Big Six" Basketball Officials Cochrane HasBrouck Quigley Wulf Mason. . Lance Lance Cochrane House Quigley Winter Old Peters Winter Old Quigley Carroll Wulf Peters Carroll Cochrane Quigley Mason Old Quigley Wulf Cochrane Volz King Volz Carroll Peters Wulf Bell Volz Lance Adams HasBrouck Lance Mason HasBrouck Carroll Volz Cochrane Quigley Carroll Lance Lence Volz Carroll Carroll Volz Larson Mason Winter Volz Big Six Conference Games Jan, 7 Oklahoma Jan, 11 Kensas State : (A & B games) Jan, 15 Iowa State Jan. 19 Missouri Feb, 2 Nebraska Feb, 7 Kansas State (A & B Games) Feb, 18 Oklahoma Feb. 21 Iowa State Feb. 26 Nebraska Mar. 3 Missouri Dec. 10 Dee. 13 Dee, 14 Dec. 15 Dec. 16 Dec. 21 Dee. 29 Jan. 4 Ott Uni (A eB —' Ottawa University Baker Univers (A&B ce” Southwestern (A & B Games) Morningside Washburn (A & B Games) Southwestern (A & B Games) Drake University Washburn (A&B Game s) BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 1937-1938 @ Lawrence @ Manhattan @ Lawrence @ Columbia @ Lawrence @ Lawrence @ Norman @ Ames @ Lincoln @ Lawrence @ Lawrenee @ Lawrenee @ Lawrence @ Ottawa @ Lawrenee @ Lawrence @ Lawrence @ Topeka @ Winfield @ Des Moines @ Lawrence Cochrane - Volz Quigley - Volz Mason - Peters Cochrane - Volz Peters = Mason Quigley - Volz Sechrane - Volz Mason - Volz Quigley - Mason Cochrane - Volz Quigley - Quigley Quigley - Quigley Quigley - Guigley Quigley - Quigley Quigley - Quigley adams, Ernest Soohrane, Chili King, Clyde Lance, John Mason, Pat Worth, Jacek ld, John B. Peters, Reeves K. Quigley, EB. C. Volz, H. G. Winter, Fred gulf, John 1419 Tirst Not, Bk. Bldg., Omuha $711 Markham, Little Rock, Ark. Journal Pest, Kansas City, Mo. Kansas State College, Manhatten, Ks. YeMwOeAs, DesMoines, Ia. lew Hampton, Ia. | 9 Neb. Pitteburgh Tohrs. Coll., Pittsburgh, Ks. 2020 =. 13th, Tulsa, Cklahoma Rockhurst Jr. Coll., Kansas City, Me. Register-Tribune, DesNoines, Ia. 609 Beacon Life Bldg, Tulse, Okla. Northeast High Sehool, Kansas City, Mo. St. Mary's Coll., St. Mery’s, Ks. First Trust Co., Lincoln, Hebr. : “Or @oeerwoeorewe owe Independent School Dist. , Cedar Rapide,Ia. 3 17 Sast S9th St., Kansas City, Mo. sugust 29, 1938 f lis, i foal i a ie fae Pa re 3 ful ih Os Director of Physical Educati. Varsity Basketball Coach. PCAsAH = 5k THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN ‘DEPARTMENT OF INTERCOLLEGIATE*VATHLETICS OFFICE OF. THE DIRECTOR August 25, 1938, Dr. F. C. Allen, University of wee Mr. George Edwards, University of Missouri Mr. Louie Menze, Iowa State College Mr. Frank Root, Kansas State College Mr. Bruce Drake, University of Oklahoma Basketball Coaches, "Big Six" Conference Gentlemen: At our Conference meeting in Lincoln last May, it was unanimously agreed that we should get together this fall in Kansas City during the football officials' meeting and try and effect our 1939-40 schedules. I am writing you to see if this idea can be carried through, and would like to propose that we meet Friday afternoon or night, September 2nd, at the Kansas City Athletic Club for the purpose of drafting next year's basketball schedule. We could do this and remain over the next day for the football rules inter- pretation meeting and have a general get-together to swap yarns concerning our summer vacations. Your immediate reaction will be appreciated. Sincerely yours, A see ¢ ¢ W. H. Browne, Basketball Coach. Lawrence, Kansase November 23, 1958.6 lire Louis Be Menge, Coach of Basketball, Iowan State College, Ames, lowe Dear Louies I thought I should write you again so that there would be . no mix up in our arrangement for our meeting in Kensas City on Fri- day evening, December 2, after suppers Why could wé net either eat together or meet say at 7 o'clock for our Big Six coaches mecting where we agree on interpretations, and so forth? , As chairman of the Fifth District Rules Comittee, I naturally wanted to have the Missouri Valley in on the conference, so I have conferred with Henry Iba and Artie Eilers. I believe our coaches discussed a date that will not conflict with the Missouri a Saturday morning, as we have our meeting on Friday ni if I em correct in these suppositions, then I have passed on the correct information to Artie Eilers, and he has passed that on to his directors and coaches and cleared the way for our open rules interpretation meeting Saturday morning at 10 o'clocke | I am sending you a copy of our newsletter which gives — our set up for our clinic here at the University on Saturday after- noon, starting at 2:30. Of course we would be glad to have any of the coaches of the Big Six come down and visit us, but I imagine most of them will have work of their own to do and will want to hurry backe ; The reason I am writing this letter is to get you to Inve George Veenker incorporate our doings in his letter of instruction which he will send out to the directorse _ Gwinn Henry told me that Tom Stidham had asked that they . have their meeting at Norman next Friday and Saturday down there, but of course our basketball coaches will have to meet in Kansas City. a: | ie ie - 3 cal ie H : : H fa aif § £stis. ti te DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN IOWA STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECHANIC ARTS AMES, IOWA November 28, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: Because two of the Big Six schools are playing games Saturday night, December 3, it has been requested that the basketball coaches hold their meeting at a breakfast at 8 o'clock Saturday morning at the Hotel Kansas Citian. The open rules interpretation meeting will be held at 10 o'clock instead of the customary 2 o'clock meeting. I trust this meets with the approval of all Sine ie / Ge F. Veenker, Secretary GEV: JH Big Six Directors of you. THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA LINCOLN DEPARTMENT OF INTERCO LLEGIATE ATHLETICS November 28, 1938 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Alien: Many thanks for your letter of November 2ord, and the invitation to attend the basketball clinic and see your game December 3rd. I am going to try to be there, as we are staging a similar event December 9th and 10th, and I know of no better place to secure ideas on basketball than at the Uni- versity of Kansas under your supervision. I presume you had a letter from George Weenker, an- noyneing the rules meeting for Saturday morning, December rd. 7 bias assuming that you will conduct the open meeting for officials at 2:00 o'clock that afternoon. I was hoping the basketball coaches would get together on Friday night and have the interpretation meeting Saturday morning, which would leave us all free to return home at an earlier date @g attend a clinic such as yours. If there is any way you think of that we could possibly change this meeting to Friday night, I will be glad to render any assistance possible. Looking forward to a visit with you this week-end, I al, W. H. Browne WHB: GT Head Basketball Coach Che University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN November 28, 1938 Mr. Forest C. Allen Director of Phy. Hd., University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I enjoyed your newspaper pamphlet regarding your clinic on December 3rd. If I possibly can, I plan to see your out-fit in action. We would be glad to accommodate vour basketball men on the night of December 2lst or 22nd. We play the University of Ark- ansas on Dec. 2lst and will be glad to extend to you and your squad an invitation to be my guests on that night. In a letter I received from George Veenker, he states that the meeting will be Dec. Srd at 9 A. M. o'clock, at the Hotel Kansas Citian. It was my understanding that we were to have 4 meeting Dec. 22nd prior to this joint meeting on Dec. 3rd. I myself plan to be in Kansas City at noon Dec. 2nd. I will be glad to meet that afternoon or that night. I think it would be well for you to inform Veenker of this Dec. 2nd. meeting that we agreed upon in our Sept. meeting. With best wishes for your continued success, I remain Sincerely yours, Bruce Drake Basketball Coach BD: RM 1942--THE SEMICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA—1942 December 8, 1958. all a foe fi : h if 4 2 a od eAe a 7 his : auld uw ee BASKETBALL INTERPRETATIONS OF THE BIG SIX CONFERENCE I. General Suggestions; a. Officials should notify athletic authorities upon their arrival in town, b. Starting time of games will be as follows; 1) Iowa State ~- 7:15 during the week; 7:30 on Friday and Saturday. 2) Kansas - 7:30 pem. 3) Kansas State - 7:30 p.m. 4) Oklahoma - 7:30 p.m. 5) Missouri - 8:00 p.m. : ) 6) Nebraska - 8:00 poem. ‘ ec. The home team is to wear white shirts. The visitors are to dress in their school colors. : a. A copy of the official box score shall. be mailed to the Secretary of the Big Six Conference. e. The visiting team is to send to the home team at least eight days in advance of the game, the aames and numbers of all players who will make the trip. f. Each school is to exchange with all others squad infomation primarily for pre-game publicity. This information should include number, name, position, height, weight, home tovm, year on the varsity, men lost by graduation, veteran letter men returning, and any team records which may add to newspaper interest. ge the type of ball used by sach school is as follows: 1) Iowa State - Rawlings Naismith Lace. | 2¥ Kansas ~ Rawlings Naismith Lace. 3) Katiads State ~ Rawlings Lace. 4) Missouri - Rawlings Naismith Laceless. 5) Nebraska - Wilson Laceless. 6) Oklahoma - Rawlings Naismith Lace. II. Rules Interpretations: a. When a basket is made the official will signal the basket by raising his am and showing two fingers. b. The official shall place his hand on the back of the player fouled and raise the other hand. c. Relative to the optional rule on extending the end line two additional feet, Kansas will move the goals forward two feet to give the four feet behind the basket. All the other schools will move the end line back two feet. afZ ad. On balls which go out of bounds behind the basket ce feet lane shall be permitted in which to make the pass back into the court. 8, Of course, does not apply to out of bounds plays following a field goal. @. Rule 10, Section 1: | . Whenever a ball is awarded to a team out of bounds from its front court area, the official must hand the ball ismediately to the player who is to put it into play. If there is any question or misunderstanding among the players Be as to the decision the official should obtain possession of the ball and not permit the player entitled to it to play it until both teams have had a chance to recover their positions. f. It is recosmended that score keepers be thoroughly acquainted with the rule that a substitute is not permitted to enter the game after a goal or a successful free throw. If the score keeper inadvertently blows his horn, time out shall be charged if the substitute goes on the floor. It is further emphasized that the captain is the only one who is permitted to take a charged time out for the purpose of a substitution after a goal or a successful free throw following a personal foul.