Lee The meeting .on Monday night will be brief, It will be merely a discussional meeting so that we may all understand each other. And in that connection I might parenthetically add a friendly warninge You will recall ene of our many daily admonitions on the athletic bulletin board down in the dressing room. It ran something like this: “You cannot fly with the owls at night and keep up with the eagles in the day time." Already there has been some misconception on the part of our squad men this fall, I am not speaking of the encoming sophomeres, I am referring to some of the older men on the squads» I knew some of you fellows think that you can drink and get away with it, but it won't work this year. Romember, I am not taking you off the squad, but you are actually decapitating yourselves. Seme of you fellaws have spoken to me that you are in dead earnest about making a great showing this year, and then when the season barely starts you "put on a | ", Just remember that Lawrence has a population of only 16,00 » ven the world is small nowadays, isn't it, boys? Assuring you that I am decidedly partial to boys who train and want to go places, I am, with no malice toward any of you but with a firm resolve to play the men who want most to play, Sarma | @omelParet Sincerely, Your ceach sate ub onieeiend Educati on, FCA:AH - Varsity Basketball. Caache