Che Rotarian 35 East Wacker Drive Chicago, Ill., U. S. A. Phe is a clipping from Editorial Offices the umber of “The Rotarian” sent tear Open to you for your infor- i mation and also with the thought that you might like to call this to the attention of your club. ... And a Reply _ I find that, as President McConaughy points out, out of date on my Rhodes Scholarship requirements, and I stand corrected. . . . When some of my college friends made the Rhodes Scholarship grade, they were then usually picked from athletic teams. - But I see they have modi- fied that, and I-think it is.right and proper that they should. So far as~colleges* putting -all athletic actiy- jities, including» budgets, under ‘the direct control of the administration, I. know that is not true ‘in our section and in the West... . Many ad- ‘ministrators* may say that the do it that wa but while the members of aeaaiiced aet generally from the facultys»alumni, and student groups, it is entirely a different method of han- (dling money from that used in strictly college (- = : 3 fe Sas e y 4 SESE ow, regarding the quotation of ex-President Angell. I did not mean to insinuate Dr. Angell thad any thought of subsidizing athletes. I ‘know that he never did. My only point was in stressing the fact that educators thought that! hletics should be ah intrinsic part of the work the college, and as athletics are being handled, now, that idea has become badly warped. There} ywas__ certainly no intention of “twisting the quotation” in an effort to have Dr. Angell say something he did™ not intend to say.) eae :