\ : we. It is a notorious fact that the wealthy alumni of some of the oldest eolleces in America have long cubed bed thie somcalled poor boy with heavy and powerful gastroc= nemius and biceps muscles to the socalled glory of their alma matere But when the Southeastern Conference proposes a new deal that perhaps is radical, some of these “ same representatives throw their hands up in horror and ery, "Sind Sing" A Shamefil procedure happened a few years ago in our ow Big Six Conferenos, when it was becskeaty to resort to the application of a retroactive rule to make Jim Bausch a arovosedonal » although he was hired by an insurance company at $75.00 a month, a thing that is practiced and has been practiced for years by etiletes of other schools which are menibiets of conferences many, many times older than the Big Six dedeebecoes Life is full of paradoxes. We give money to aid the physically crippled young» and in the next breath we give money to mentally cripple the physically diene Sd Lin collect a thousand dollars for .a slush fund for certain purposes, where other= Wise you weld be unable to pollise? a hundred dollars for certain legitimate activities. — : - ‘The Aovoet ated Press out of Los Angeles, on Jelenry: lv, ‘1938, states de follows: A Survey of Coast Sports "Former Geman will Investigate Status of Athleticse Los Angeles, Jane 1l7e== Dean Ee. Je Waller of the University of California at Los Angeles said today that Edwin N. Atherton, former Geman who created @ sensation by a vice investigation in San Francisco two years Seo), had hoon engaged by the Pacific Coast conference a assist in a survey oa financial support for apivotes: Dean ijlier, chairman of a committee making the survey, emphasized that Atherton was not retained to seek ‘evidence against athletes or to investigate any one inetete aa" He said the survey is to enable the committee to adjust 'rules concerning what constitutes legitimate aid for'athletes.!"