Allen October Should We Subsidize College athletes? | Yes! By Forrest C. Allen Director of Physicsl Sducation, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas Subsidize college athletes? That's whit we're| doing now--furtively. There is not a college in the|United | States, excepting JohnsHozkcins University and ome or two ethers, that does not subsidize ethletes, fake the university with the 40 thoughtful alumni, for a Sample, Every year each of thes¢ “well-—heeled* entlenen endows four scholarships sack of whi¢h pays -125 monthly, This has a me of bringing 160 hand-picked bthletes to the sini onary Feil. But the scholarships pren’$ exactly gifts. The boys have ik olen titemu——by bistktne their Mothers at Christmas and Easter absolutely! _—__ Beyond that there are no strings. Or turn to that State oiversity wien a jear or two hgo diverted $10,000 from its athletic association for siete + The sum bought football qnd bask@tball playersess@% $90 per mo. The same salary scale holds in a ¢ertain other ischool but there the selection of the athletes|who shall benefit is a matter of pure scienceof trial error, — 8/29/38 | , Prf'd by ma & ff tach August the football department holds a trsining | Lines @ 60 camp where the versity men stert conditioning hemsel ves for the Fall schedule. . To the camp come elso the Fresh+ men prospects whom the athletic directe ¥ ame his aides 8 on9 11 on 12 13% 13% 20