DR, FORREST C, ALLEN, Director of Physical Edueation and Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrences, Lansate Director of wee eee oom, oaks =~ fron 1919 to 19S7-. Built Hemoriel Stadi. horseshoo type of saclay soating Si,000, ira’ euch Stacin completes woo: of Wissicsipgi Rivers Founded Keneas Relays in 1923- Won Dig Six Conferences basketball chaapiawhips « 7 ow of last & yoarse Caiman of Fifth Uetrict Tasketball Rules Comittes of Tatiom) Collegiate Athletie association. ileuber of Rules Cami'tttes for past 12 yoarae Chairam of Research Committees, Organized and sorved as SC ee Athletic Director and coach af all . Centenl Missa State Teashers College, ) Moey = i919« Coached football at University of Kansas, | Habs dinin 36 dlesiahinniitety th bisbiabeth tic Wi jenna tn msec’ Conferemee axd Big Six Conferences Have had tuo everevictoi ious 1925 ami 1956, in which mo games wore lest during seasone Won 22 championships owt of 27 years basketball coachinge