Te If 0 G.nan should irmostigate tho Big Six Comforcnoe or any other Innorabile, Longe established conference, on obsying the wresamt rules of the eanferene as thay re now printed, his fiudings would eause mush patice The athletic situstion is a mosse Conferences are priating ono rule, but actwilly obeying anothers This 1s comparable to the present intewational situntion, when the world powers say wo amet be proparod, we must protect ourselves against the outlaws. then Pring Gamers, the great Halton Ink, won tho world's hoavyuetght championship, @ little Jowish boy who was his shadow and herewworshiper, followed hin everywheres When Carmnora left New York on the Italien steemer, the Ram, tho little Jewish boy became a stowwiye Cornera was rotaxting to his native home in Itelpe te was lionized on his triumphal retum to Italy, the wmen of his little seaside hone imitted him the most gorgeous, mitieclored chewl thet the deft hands of Italian wanen could weaves Then Camom vetumed to Anorion the Little Jewish boy bodane © otomsy on the return trip, but as soon as the purser was out of sight, the little lebrew clipped. from his hiding place and coped along becide Camera who gigantic fom ws stretched owt in a deck chaise As the evening wore on and the atmosphore became cooler, Carnere used ‘this beautiful throw thet the wonen of Ttaly Yad mile him to protest him self fran tho uhill airs ‘Tho clurning of the waves soon rocked him to sleep. ‘The - ‘Uttle Jewish boy, keoping @ cloce watch over Camera, soon had en impulsive desire "to rush to the rail to food the Sichess In his Incte to nouny to the rail, he tripped ever Camera, and all of his gastronauic coutents wore spilled over Carnera and his shawls ‘The awalaned and surprised Carnera locked at the mess and glowered on the little shaking, frightened and sick Jowish boye Dut true to his treditdonel quick thinking, sh Settle Settee eatgel sera’ at Sinty ent eat enlty "Wary Stny Pe. emery 7 ‘will fecl a lot betters”. Sano conferences poy’ socialists whose business it is to keep somo nervous and ethletic sick stomachs fran reguggitating in publics The colleges should take a page fron tho State of lew York in their educational poldey in rogard to the high schoolse All of the activities of the high