Are Railroads Consumer Conscious? (July 1932) No —Ernest Elmo Calkins, advertising counsel- lor and executive. Yes—Fred Sargent, president, Chicago and North Western Railroad. The War Debts (March 1933) 1. A French View—Lucien Romier, French econ- omist and author. 2.A British View—Sir Ernest Simon, British economist and author, former member of Parlia- ment, 3. An American View—David Lawrence, editor, United States News. Will Farm Allotment Help Recovery? (March 1933) Yes—Roy Ronald, publisher, Mitchell (S. D.) Re- public. No —Phil S. Hanna, editor, Chicago Journal of Commerce. Is Inflation the Way Out? (April 1933) Yes—William Trufant Foster, director, Pollak Foundation for Economic Research. No —H. Parker Willis, economist and author. Shall We Abolish School Frills? (May 1933) Yes—H. L. Mencken, former editor, American Mercury. No —John Dewey, educator and philosopher. Is the Sales Tax Sound Policy? (June 1933) Yes—A. H. Stone, former Mississippi tax commis- missioner, and agricultural leader. No —John Oliver Emmerich, Mississippi news- paper editor. Cutting Medical Costs—Is the Group Plan the Best Remedy ? (August 193838) Yes—Dr. Lewellys F. Barker, emeritus professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University. No —Dr. Arthur C. Christie, clinical professor of roentgenology, George Washington University. Is Motor Competition Unfair? (September 1933) Yes—Samuel O. Dunn, editor, Railway Age. No —A. J. Brosseau, president, Mack Trucks, Inc.