BALDWIN, KANSAS DISTRICT NO. 123 OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR HOMER KINGSLEY EBRIGHT I am glad that you are arranging to have some singing during the Fellowship and Registration periode Typat will start things off with pep e If you will appoint two or three men to act as the committee to welcome everybody and get their Recognition Labels on them and get their names and addresses end office jn their club, I would appreciate it e If you think it better to employ some girl as secretary to supervise this , Oeke But I like to have the men dothis kind oft thing e - Coming back to the luncheon, how exact a count does Mike “etto need in advance 3? Does he need gome guarantee , and then have a maxbgin 4 I ‘think that I shall ask the clubs to write you directly as to the number coming ° Sincerely . OFFICES: CHICAGO,U.S.A. + ZURICH, SWITZERLAND + BOMBAY, INDIA ;- LONDON, ENGLAND