179. H. Leonard Paret (real estate agency), 19 North Lansdowne ‘Avenue, Lans- downe, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (Mem- ber, Rotary Club of Darby-Lansdowne, Pennsylvania.) 180. Albert S. Schmidt (bread baking— wholesale), P.O. Box 1225, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 182. Joshua R. Golightly (coal retailing), 9 Main Street, Milburn, New Jersey, U.S.A. Mail Address: 3 Linden Place, Summit, New Jersey. (Member, Rotary Club of Milburn, New Jersey.) 183. David R. Evans (christianity—protes- tantism), 22 North Bridge Street, Somerville, New Jersey, U.S.A. 184. Marvin E. Porch (education—public schools), Superintendent of Schools, Gloucester City, New Jersey, U.S.A. 185. William G. Thompson (general law practice), Merchants National Bank Building, Mail Address: P.O. Box 148, Montgomery, West Virginia, U.S.A. 186. Hensel Eckman (past service member), 720 Washington Avenue, Pulaski, Vir- ginia, U.S.A. 187. P. Winfree Fore (automobile retailing), Culpeper, Virginia, U.S.A. 188. Irvin B. Tucker (general law practice), Whiteville, North Carolina, U.S.A. 189. Robert W. Madry (publicity), Chapel Hill, North Carolina, U.S.A, 190. Charles G. Tennent (landscape archi- tecture and nurseries), 217 Westover Drive, Asheville, North Carolina, U.S.A. 192. Norman T. Avard (coal mining), 50 Church Street, Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada. 193. Galen Irving Veayo (education—pub- lic schools), Edward Little High School, Mail Address: 451 Court Street, Au- burn, Maine, U.S.A. (Member, Rotary Club of Lewiston-Auburn, Maine.) 195. Guy M. Catlin (grain retailing), Ran- dolph, Vermont, U.S.A. 196. Addison G. Brooks (printing—photo- engraving), 86 Prospect Street, Glou- cester, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 187. Charles H. Meeker (motor coaches and buses retailing), 20 Adella Avenue, West Newton, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 198. Philip A. Feiner (specialty manufac- turing), 111 Westminster Street, Provi- dence, Rhode Island, U.S.A. 199. Morton C. Treadway (fishing tackle manufacturing), 185 North Main Street, Bristol, Connecticut, U.S.A. 200. Waiter Hodgkinson (machine shops), 179 Orange Avenue, Mail Address: 24 White Street, West Haven, Connecti- cut USA. Redistricting Effective 1 July, 1943, the territory previously known as district 28 (part of Brazil) is divided into two dis- tricts numbered 28 and 41. The boundaries of the two districts have not yet been determined. When this has been done, the geographical de- scriptions of the two districts will be published in the News Letter. Also effective on 1 July, 1943, the geographical description of district 25 (Cuba) is revised to include the Dominican Republic. Fernando Carbajal says— The fond recollections which I have of _all the Rotarians whom | have seen dur- ing my trips as President of Rotary In- ternational are too profound for me to remain silent. I should like to write all of them a personal letter expressing my gratitude for the courteous attentions they bestowed upon me, but this would be impossible, so I take this opportunity of expressing my eternal recognition to them for their kindness, which I esteem as the best reward I could have had for my efforts to serve Rotary. Newly Admitted Clubs For use in extending greetings, we give you the names and addresses of the offi- cers of the clubs recently admitted to membership in Rotary International. Com- munications received at the Secretariat from newly admitted clubs indicate that they greatly appreciate the letters of greetings from the older clubs, even though it may be practically impossible to make direct acknowledgment of the letters. Robesonia, Pa., U.S.A. 5600 (D-179) 1943 Tuesday, 6:15 p.m., The White House. Pres. Rev. E. L. Leisey (christianity—prot.), 310 W. High St., Womelsdorf, Pa. Secy. Calvin E. Brown (auto. ret.), 159 W. Penn Ave. Holly Ridge, N. C., U.S.A. 5616 (D-189) 1943 Tuesday, 1:00 p.m., Knotty Pine Inn. Pres. Glenn Bowers (bkg.). Secy. C. C. Hines (garage & serv. sta.) : Pembroke, Ont., Canada 5617 (D-168) 1943 Tuesday, 6:20 p.m., Pembroke Hotel. Pres. Angus A. Campbell (dairy prod. dist.), 913 Pembroke St., E. Secy. Leo. H. Perrier (collect. & credits serv.), 545 Pembroke St., W. Rochester, Tex., U.S.A. 5618 (D-127) 1943 Tuesday, 9:00 p.m., Band Room of High School. Pres. J. Wilbur Arrington (bkg.). Secy. L. Harold Christensen (r.r. trans.). Summerside, P. E. I., Canada 5619 (D-192) 1943 Tuesday, 12:15 p.m., Olympia Cafe. Pres. Peter: G. Clark (raw furs marketing), Water St. Secy. Walter E. Darby (gen. law prac.), Dalton Bldg., Water St. Renton, Wash., U.S.A. 5620 (D-101) 1943 Thursday, 12:00 m., Tonkin’s Cafe. Pres. John H. Swanson (motors assembling), 704 Third Ave. _ Secy. H. Raymond Johnson (ed. pub. schools), P.0. Box 359. Newcastle, N. B., Canada 5621 (D-192) 1943 Monday, 12:15 p.m., Miramichi Hotel. Pres. Perley E. Roy (auto. ret.). Secy. Archibald H. Cole (men’s cloth. ret.). Picton, Ont., Canada 5622 (D-168) 1943 Tuesday, 12:15 p.m., Globe Hotel. Pres.. Edwin J. Williams (dept. stores). Secy. Russell G. Atters- ley (groc. whlse.), P.O. Box 616. Montmagny, Que., Canada 5623 (D-193) 1943 Thursday, 6:15 p.m., Montmagny Inn. Pres. Dr. Philippe Richard (phys. & surg.), P.O. Box 133. Secy. Emilien Proulx (casket mfg.), P.O. Box 336. Mont-Joli, Que., Canada 5624 (D-193) 1943 Monday, 7:00 p.m., Hotel Voyer. Pres. J. Adal- bert Landry (ref. oil prod. dist.). Secy. Georges de Champlain (hosp.), Sanatorium St. Georges. Hershey, Pa., U.S.A. 5625 (D-180) 1943 Monday, 12 M., Community Club. Pres. John B. Sollenberger (amusement parks) P. O. Box 83. Secy. W. Allen Hammond (industrial schools) Hershey Industrial School. Louiseville, Que., Canada 5626 (D-193) 1943 Monday, 12:15 p.m., Chateau Louise. Pres. Jean Pinatel (silk goods mfg.) c/o Associated Textiles of Canada, Ltd. Secy. Miville Lesage (gen. law prac.) P. 0. Box 145. Springhill, N. S., Canada 5627 (D-192) 1943 Friday, 12:30 p.m., Carleton Hotel. Pres. Earle B. Paul (coal mining) P. 0. Box 483. Secy. Rev. George M. MacLean (christianity-prot.) P. 0. Box 605. Upper Sandusky, Ohio, U.S.A. 5628 (D-157) 1943 Monday, 6:15 p.m., Bow and Arrow Inn. Pres. Paul S. Stephan (lbr. ret.) 226 S. 8th St. Secy. Ear! G. Ulrich (gas serv.) 126 S. Sandusky. President Wheeler Wants All Club Publications Believing that a Rotary club pub- lication reflects the attitude, the activity and the virility of the club, President Charlie Wheeler has de- cided that he wants to receive a copy of the publication of every Rotary club throughout the world. Address your club publication to him at R. 3066, Palace Hotel, San Fran- cisco, Calif., U.S.A. Photograph of President Wheeler Does your club want a photograph of President: Charlie Wheeler for framing and display in your club headquarters? If so, the postcard which is being sent to each club secretary with this News Letter should be filled in and returned. The photograph then will be sent gratis, postage prepaid, to the club secretary. Your Honorary Members At the 1933 (Boston) convention, the delegates from the clubs adopt- ed an amendment to the standard club constitution reading as follows: Honorary membership shall terminate on the first day of July next after the date of election, provided, however, that the Board of Directors in their discretion may, by resolution, continue such honor- ary membership from year to year there- after. Such honorary membership may be continued by the Board although the per- son so elected has ceased to reside within or to be definitely associated with the territorial limits of the club. © It is therefore incumbent for each Rotary club operating under the standard club constitution to con- firm from year to year on the first day of July the membership of each of its honorary members whom it wishes to retain in membership. Failure to follow this procedure would appear to terminate auto- matically the membership of an honorary member. Only One Copy of News Letter to Club Secretaries Last year, the procedure of send- ing two copies of the News Letter to club secretaries was inaugurated as an experiment. A few months ago inquiry was made of club secre- taries as to the value of the second copy. A number of club secretaries indicated that they wanted to con- tinue to receive two copies and the procedure was continued in those cases. However, aS an economy measure, the mailing of the second copy of the News Letter to all club secretaries has been discontinued with the ending of the Rotary year 1942-43.