a GEORGE L GOLDMAN SECRETARY & TREAS FRED GOLOMAN 2 Srsen 7 Sly. Repo GOLDMAN JEWELRY COMPANY QUALITY JEWELERS-FOR MORE THAN A HALF CENTURY 1103-S WALNUT ST 646 MINNESOTA AVE KANGAS CITY.MO 2 "> SECRE? = KANSAS CITY. KANG PHONE -HARRISON ga os oe SS PHONE -DREXEL ยง307 2 KANSAS CITY, KANSAS July 3, 1943 ses SERINE pacers ry aa ae ol ws - Z Forest C. Allen Sa f c/o Rotary Club ; Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Govenor Homer has asked me to advise you how many members of our club will attend the District Assembly. At this writing will say that we will have seven members present. Know this will be a very enjoyable assembly and we are all looking forward meeting with you on Monday, July, 12. Rotarily rs, peek Harold Le. Lederman HLL/1fv