From Secretariat. - . Céritral Office’. - Rotary International . - That immediately brings up the second part of the question: "What would we be willing to have our nation do to accom- ' plish this?" There are many people who in theory are in favor of international cooperation and believe that such’ coop- eration will lead to peace. But when it comes to the practical point ‘of mak- ing some sacrifice for that internd- tional cooperation, of making a conces- sion to other countries, of surrender- ing sométhing that is considered an "in- alienable right of nationhood" - then they find. they are not eae to oe those. sacrifices. So let's be clear on this point. Some form of international cooperation for | the equitable settlement of disputes between nations and the remedying of injustices will require concessions on the part of all countries of privileges or rights or possessions or desires or preferred position which all hold dear. What are some of the concessions our country might make? Just how far are ‘we willing to have our nation go in mak- ing concessions of that eer QUESTION NO. 2 - SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC SECURITY | Do we agree that endur ing peace will require social and economic security with an improved standard of living throughout the world? What steps can (be taken to accomplish this? Lc Adpads Steir han ots bey) ah ore ateoateagn bate Within a couritry, lack of social and economic security leads to unrest, class struggle, rebellion, revolution, civil war. As between countries it ‘leads to struggles for markets, at- tempts at trade protection, economic warfare, Conflict and struggle of this nature between "have" nations and "have not" nations can lead to war. As progress is made throughout the world toward social and economic se- curity one important cause of war will be ae or removed. Most Ttkely a2 of us will be in accord with that statement. But there prob- ably will be differences of opinion as {File 726) - Page 3 to what. steps can be taken or should be . taken to extend social and economic security with an improved standard of living throughout the world. One opinion will be that people should con- centrate on their own immediate com- munities - their own families - their own businesses - their own local groups and in that way endeavor to es- tablish social and economic security and raise the standard of living with- _ in the sphere of their direct influ- ence - and leave it to others to do likewise within their immediate com- munities. Another opinion will be that of course we should do all that - but in addi- ' tion more should be ‘done: we should not only: try to bring these things about in our immediate communities but also in our state and nation - and leave it to people of other countries to do likewise. Someone else will urge that we should not stop.our action at our national borders; we must realize that standards of living, degree of social and economic security in one country, have a great effect on the standard of living, the degree of so- cial and economic security in other countries, and thus our efforts must | embrace the entire world. What can we do, what are we doing, what are we willing to do in our rela- ~ tions with our employees, our neéigh- bors, our fellow citizens to help es- tablish social and economic security and to raise the standard of living in our own communities, in our state and nation? And without neglecting our” responsibilities and opportunities along these lines in our own communi- ties, what are we willing to do to help make social and economic security possible in other countries, to help raise the standard of hepusnes in opher countries?