From Secretariat = Central Office af ACHTEV! EMENT CONTESTS AND PROJECTS Sponsor! PiB1ic speaking contest. Sponsor essay contest. Sponsor marble tournament. Sponsor discussion. SomEORS ; Spopsor ‘ite contest. Via Sponsor soap box derby. Sponsor model-aeroplane’ contest. Sponsor art exhibit. Arrange tours. of locgl industries. by: high school students and offer prizes for best essays on same, Conduct courtesy contest among youth in schools. ADVISORY COUNCILS Endeavor to organize comunity coor- dinating council for youth ATHLETICS . Entertain high scheol or . college” tapes oo Sponsor community soft ball league. Provide transportation for athletic: groups, | Sponsor hockey league. Sponsor community dinner for team, Give sweaters, trophies, etc,, to in- dividualiplayers as awards, Sponsor baseball team; Sponsor football team, Present trophy to winning league, Sponsor tertnis tournament. Award cup for sportsmanship in football. Sponsor "Victory Dance” for high ‘school students, Sponsor inter-city track meet. Help provide and manage ice arena. Organize figure skating contest, Award tennis trophies to boy and girl winners, ° reaper om Sponsor model aeroplane club, BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS Sponsor or co-sponsor of band or oarche- stra. Help meet travel expense. for tour or contest. , Help jannan bugle corps. ‘Rotary "tae tr ) = Pam © International . -. BOY LIFE SURVEY “Make survey in cooperation with chief of police. BOYs . _AND GIRLS WEEK 4 ,, ‘Participate in: obsgrvance:.(Iast fatur- -dayin April through first Saturday in May). BOYS! CLUBS eee figenotal or other assistance to local club. Sponsor’ or co-sponsor of local boys club. Organized junior rifle team, Sponsor Hi-Y Adapt public building as youth center, Provide supervision of youth center. Sponsor model areoplane club, Sponsor "Knot- ‘Hole Gang." OP wate rte Mae os - BOYS! STATE. Send boys to Boys State. Note: In a few instances ¢lubs have ee sent Se tO. Girls State, “CAMPS Operate a boys or girls camp. Cooperate with other organizations in conducting or supporting boys camps. Purchase or assist in purchasing camp site, | : Establish boys camp, Erect buildings. at boys’ camp. Build boat dock at boys Camp. - Cooperate with health camp. Provide camp for ‘Scouts, étc. Provide programs. tent Bday camp, CO.CC. : Have 7 abn isereaees: — on club » HREM QITWZENSHIP Give medals to high SeHeeL students for citizenship, .Have boys and girls take over govern- ment for day. Conduct citizenship contests in high schools,