Raise money for high.school alumi scholarship fund. Offer prizes for best letters in inter- national correspondence. SCHOOLS Entertain graduating class. Entertain college students home for holidays. Help buy equipment to serve lunches. Help develop plan whereby needy boys can work half day and attend school other half,. Write encouraging letters each year to all local students away at school. Entertain sons and daughters of Rotari- ans attending local colleges, Encourage public speaking in public schools. Have debate class appear on club pro- SLAM. . Conduct character building program in - county schools. Provide assembly programs for high schools. "Sponsor trip to State capital for high school seniors. Send local school glee club to nation- al contest. Sponsor: free turkey dinner for entire student body. Distribute helpful literature to men- bers of graduating classes. SCOUTS ; BOY Sponsor or assist in. Boy. Scout drive, Provide hut or other meeting place for troop. Send Scouts to camp. Put on show or other fund raising ac- tivity as Scout benefit. Assist Scouts in securing suits or oth- er equipment, Help employ Scout director. Assist in field day or jamboree. Devote program in effort to stimulate or revive local interest. Send troop on trip, to state capital, etc. Conduct party for Scouts and their fathers. Hold joint meetings with Scouts. Give awards to Scouts. Fron Secretariat = Cential OfPide 6° Rotary International -"(Pile. 665 )-~ Page 5 Develop a Boy Scout loan plan. Assist in district Scout meeting. Assist with Scout Court of Honor. Help Scouts pay their fees. Entertain Lone Scouts.» Sponsor: special troop for "less chance" poyse Send boys to national jamboree. Help recondition Scout hut or other buildings. . Donate merit PadBE Library to troop. Offer prizes for outstanding community project initiated and carried out by troop. ~ Sponsor cub pack. ScoUTS, GIRL -- CAMP FIRE GIRLS Sponsor Girl Scout troop. Sponsor Camp Fire Girls. Aid in organizing Girl Scout troop. Help provide house for Girl Scouts, Help Girl Scouts to learn ‘pottery, weav- ing and other hand crafts. Help solicit funds for Camp Fire Girls, Sponsor local talent show as benefit for Girl Scouts and Camp Fire Girls. Finance trips for these two SreReTTAS tions, SCOUIS , SEA . Sponsor Sea Scout troop. Organize Sea Scout troop. Raise funds to build boat house for Sea Scouts. SKATING RINKS Sponsor or help to maintain comunity skating rink or outdoor pond. Install lights for skating rink. - STUDENT: GUESTS Have high school or college students as regular guests for definite period. STUDENT LOAN FUND Set up loan fund. Help students procure loans through local bank. Search for needy cases, through high school, local colleges, etc. Cooperate with fund operated by other Zroups. (over)