From Secretariat - ADULT EDUCATION Investigate possibility of sponsoring adult education. Help promote a night school. Form night SL ARROF «i in 1 Oe work for spite mens ADVISORY COUNCILS - Form or help form an advisory council. Have the Rotary club represented =. “the: council. _ | ATELETICS Help sxovide an athletic, field. Provide equipment for athletic field. Assist in lighting athletic field. Build bleachers for athletic field. Provide tennis court for children. Sponsor commmity soft ball league. hockey league, tennis tournament, intercity track meet, annual school field day, “swimming: mneet, annual baseball game with ‘nother comunity. - Help sponsor high school gymnasium. Organize figure skating club and pro- vide instructor. Provide trangportation for athletic . groupss. ..° . Entertain or sponsor community dimer for high school. or college teams. Help equip highschool or town teams. Give sweaters, trophies, etc. to indi- vidual players as awards, Present trophies to léague wimners. | Award cup for spor'temanship in foot- ball. : Sponsor "Victory Dance" For high enone students. — Sponsor a baseball or football teat. __ AVIATION Assist in construction of. mendotsea airport. Make an effort +0, secure an avigkawe treinggs center.or school, - "BANDS “AND ORCHESTRAS Sponsor a band, drum corps, er orches- tra, * : z Sponsor local band concerts. | ele provide uniforms or instruments for local bands. Central Office _- “et International”. =, (File 615°) '- Page 3 Help meet travel ———, “a. tour or Content BEAUTIFICATION OF COMMUNITY Sponsor clean-up. campaign, lawn and garden COREE Sp tree planting cam- paign.... Sponsor public lectures on home ‘peauti-~ fication. Beautify unsightly and naptentel ALease Organize a garden club, and cooperate with it in beautification program. Clean up unsightly trash sama ‘in the vicinity. aT. Encourage garden nlarhigess - BLIND. Contribute’ to Hazel ‘furet Foundation. ‘Furnish Braille edition of "Reader's Digest” to the blind. Provide medical assistance to blind. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE » Assist in organization or re-organiza- tion of chamber of commerce, Assist in organization or Junior Cham- ber of Commerce, — Get Rotarians more interested in Cham- ber of Commerce work. Assist Chamber of Commerce in specific projects. Hold periodic joint neBE ae with Chamber of Commerce. Donate to community relief fund, Give direct relief to needy families. Help organize Goodfellows Club to pro- vide clothing to. the needy. , Assist. in organizing central Clearing house for charity. Sponsor Food Stamp plan: ‘in ‘county. _ CHRISTMAS | ACTIVITIES Spenser a community Christmas. fatoe;?'e } Christmas parade, a Christmas party for children.2) 17 Provide food, clothing, toys to needy families. Promote street decorations dnd lighting. Sponsor decoration contest for business houses and homes. (over)