Sponsor Christmas motion Pie wee: show. for childrens Assist other organizations in sponsor- ing a conmunity program. Sponsor Christmas party rar ‘tmmates of county home, » orphanage, ‘ete, Collect*and repair old toys. " Sponsor broadcast of carols. airing the Christmas week. Send Christmas boxes Led soldiers at sb “camp. a Adopt needy family for ichetetnins’, | Sponsor Christan’ eure for benefit of needy. Sponsor communtiy singing of pens, Give gifts to children at feeble-minded home. Have each club member invite a boy to , Special Christmas. meeting..... _. Organize a clearing house. for. Carist- mas —s ? ” CUTTZENSHTP Help aliens to become naturalized. Give banquet honoring. newly. naturalized citizens........, Sponsor community, observance of "T. Am, an American Day." Sponsor a program. welcoming. to. full citizenship young men and women. hy have recently passed their 2lst birthday. Conduct. a series of: educational. pro- grams on citizenship within the club. Have boys and girls take over the lo- - cal government. for .a day. Give medals to high school students for ——— heey grt oe ~ CIVIC REGOGNETTON Conduct an ‘annual civic guest. ‘night. Give special recognition to citizens over. 100 years old, Give testimonial dinner to otisine city officials. Give testimonial ‘timer to mocal eohool teacherss": Monsines shake? a oiiniee=dental, tonsil, 2, Bey ante t Soe ¢ Se aw sa Provide transportation. in clinics, si Provide milk for child welfare clinic. Cooperate with local clinics. _Roter international _(Bile. £15, ): = Page a COMMUNITY ADVERTISING Erect road sign. which Ancludes informa- tion about the community. ; Assist in bringing conventions to city. COMMUNITY CENTERS — Sponsor or help obtain a ‘community house or center, Help, provide. furniture. or other equip- ment for community house. _ Help provide repairs to community house. Help defray expenses for memorial ‘audi- torium. Make club rooms available to other or- genizations. | 3 og e012 > COMMUNEDY CHEST Assist. in community chest drive. Appoint a committee. to investigate. and organize 2.. coumund ty chest. wel: » COMMUNITY FESTIVATS Abisagion with various community festivals ’ such as high school music festival, winter carnival, pioneer: ‘day colebra- tion, etc. Enter a float in community’ ‘parades. Sponsor Easter egg hunt for ontldren. Help establish county fair. Promote a harvest festival, ©: Furnish guards for cornhusking contest. COMMUNE TY IMPROVEMENT Sponsor Coane “improvement. association. Initiate a movement for the improve- ment..in city government... © “Suggest improvements in city. ordinances, Provide a public drinking.fountain... Sponsor a free parking lot near the business districts... __ Promote better street lighting, _ Sponsor’ a house-numbering ‘campaign. © Initiate a movement for modern fire fighting equipment. ~~ Sponsor the marking’ of strects. « Have the streets marked with "stop" signs, . oe Assist. in, erecting aihenion’ markers. Secure frozen food lockers for the city. Establish public..rest..rooms for the . Citys... Malce & special study. of. tami. Selehton,