Help support tuberculosis camp. Contribute. to tuberculosis aAaAcA Ct. Present picture show in schools on care of the teeth. Sponsor first aid: tent at aguante. fair. Sponsor rat eradication campaign. Organize local clubs in cooperative movement: to: finance work. of, CORBET: 2 BUYS vice (See the activities ‘Listed eke Blind, Clinics, Crippled Children, nase ing Red Cross.) HIGHWAY IMPROV Assist in obtaining repairs to highway. Assist. in.obtaining new highway. | Assist in having highways. better marked, | " HOSPITALS e Sponsor movement for new snaphtes sal _. ~meeded).. | Equip. a room in local. hospital... Finance a bed in hospital ward. . Furnish hospital with needed fac ilities . such as iron lung, baby incubator, microscope, ceemincnmgss. radio, wheel chair, Help raise funds for nurses home, : Assume care of ‘the hospital grounds. HOUSING : Sponsor Federal Housing projects. Sponsor a public ‘library. ; Help obtain new building for ianeary. Maintain’ occupational wanncneas at: tna cal library.” Help renovate public 1tbpand9 Establish a circulating library ‘that covers the county by truck. - Present ‘floor lamps to ‘local library. Masia: a nen ene room in bemgeen . ‘3EW_INDWIRTES Develop special industrial committee of Rotarians and non-Rotarians to con- sider the possibility of bringing new industries into the community. (Some clubs have been successful in bringing to their communities’ a new | factory, a new cannery, a new hotel, a new warehouse, a Federal munitions plant, a bottling. plant, and Poem service. . _ PARKS spanade or assist in development of city or county park. Purchase land for’a city park. Petition the state to: Ng a rel an area as a state park. ‘Provide shelter house for park. Promote ‘building of highway to state park. ‘Draw plans and make recomendations to city council regarding park improve- ments. Sponsor or help establish children's — playground. Support summer playground activities. Purchase or build playground ogutpent for city park... Donate funds to: support aenaedibadiie. Provide: playground director. Obtain government assistance in build- ing playground. Obtain WePsAe supervision for play~ ground. Condition the cinder track on ‘the fore aes LOTS “PUBLIC MERTINGS Sponsor public forums, youth forums, public music programs, coumunity Singing, “Town Hall" lecture series. “RADIO PROGRAMS | Sponsor broadcast on Rotary. Purchase. records for bnobdoast of — carols. . RECREATION Give active support to -C oramun ty rec~ reation program. ~ Provide maintenance of comaund ty rec- reational center, ~~ Arrange recreation progran for children. ‘Employ a director of leisure time ac= tivities, Arrange with mothers to open recreation — room for young people, .