From Secretariat a Central Office ~ club might listen to a discussion, pro and..con, on the proposed legislation, and then the president might say to his members: ._ "Your Rotary club is not tak- ing a position on this matter, but it is appealing to you, as a citizen, to take a position and not fail to do so, Now, please go back to your places of business or your residences and as in- dividual citizens of your state, write your representative in the legislature and tell him where you stand. on this matter -- those of you who are in favor, say so; and those of you who may be op- posed, say so. Use your business or _ personal letterhead, If convenient, go and call on your representative in the legislature and tell him across his desk how you think he ought to vote. The club, as an organization, doesn't care what your position is; that is your own matter of judgment. The inm- portant thing is that, as a Rotarian, you will not be satisfied with yourself until you have indicated to your rep- resentative in the legislature your position as a.citizen." _ Such a .procedure would be entirely in harmony. with the policy of Rotary. Ro- a unique organization in many Ways. Rotary hasn't followed along the established path of other organiza- tions, and there are a. great many who believe that the very fact that Rotary has been unique in several ways has contributed to the success. and spread of the Rotary movement. If a Rotary club were to follow the procedure out- lined above, it would be unique com- tered to various. other organizations that adopt resolutions and send them forward. On the other hand, when a Rotary club undertakes to express itself as an or- ganization on a controversial matter, there are at least two things . to be considered. First, there may be some difference of opinion among the club members, and if a resolution is adopted as expressing the. opinion of the club, it will ac- tually express only the opinion of the 60.5-Oct. '4k-Y-400 Rotary International - - do something for somebody else. - by ‘the’club is desirable. (File 602B) - Page 1 majority of the members and there may be.a dissatisfied minority. Second, even though the matter is not a controversial one there is a danger that. when a Rotary. club, as an organ- ization, appeals. to the members of a legislature, and the legislators re- spond to the appeal, those legislators, being practical politicians, are liable to come back a little later and say, "We did what your Rotary organization wanted us to do and now that we are candidates for re-election we think it would be only fair for your Rotary or- ganization to support us." Then, if the club refuses to‘support the legis- lators, it appears in the position of being ungrateful, of wanting something done for it while it is not willing to If the club does respond to that appeal and supports the legislators for re-elec- tion, then the Rotary club has gotten into politics. And so, in all cases where a club de- cides on a particular project, several things should be taken into considera- tion. In some cases, corporate action In others, individual action will be more effect- ive. Possibly the club can be of more service by combining the two. And we see also that. a club. may assume one or all five roles, As "investiga- tor," the club: will discover the. needs of the community. As "educator" it will inform its. members. and.perhaps the community in general, or those who can take action. In the role of "stim- ulator" the club will arouse the inter- est of each member and perhaps the com- munity in general, or those who can take action. And as "promoter" and . "performer" the club will initiate or carry on a project where it is necessary that the club do so. In each of these cases, the individual member will also play his part... And with each part played well by every member, there will be little doubt about the success of a Bro giee